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W.C.K.D. Memorandum,
Date 1.27.32
Time 22:45
To: My Associates
From: Ava Paige, Chancellor

Group A

By any calculation, I believe we all agree that the Trial was a success. Six individuals survived, all of them meeting the criteria for our intended endeavor. The response to the Variables was satisfactory and quite heartening.

The rescue of subject A0 over subject A1, along with the "termination" of the child and the "rescue," proved to be a valuable closure. Our system was genuinely surprised by their responses. Honestly, I am amazed that, in the end, despite everything, we could gather a population of children who never gave up.

Subject A7 is the most outstanding among them all. The subject has been deemed valuable since we brought them to this place at the age of seven and studied the child. Subject, without any chemical assistance, can produce a powerful immune system possessed by only one percent of people worldwide. We can study their immunity and brain to advance our scientific knowledge in safeguarding against the disasters we face.

Strangely, seeing them like this, believing that everything is okay, is the hardest thing for me to observe. But there is no time for regret. For the sake of our people, we will move forward.

I know I have my own feelings about who should be chosen as the leader, but I will refrain from stating it now to avoid influencing any decisions. But to me, it is a clear choice.

We are all acutely aware of what is at stake. Remember what subject A1 always said?

'Wicked is good!!'

Subjects will eventually remember and understand the purpose of the difficult things we have done and planned for them to do. WICKED's mission is to serve and preserve humanity, whatever the cost. We, indeed, are "good."

What about subject A0? There are things we need to learn more about. The subject has been stung, and their response can heal naturally without serum. Something that is impossible from the cells within their blood. We have succeeded in experimenting with them since the beginning, yielding good results. If the subject truly succeeds in the upcoming experiments, we can conduct chemical-assisted trials on the children to advance their immune evolution, which we will use for the serum.

Please respond with your own reactions. Subjects will be allowed to sleep for one full night before the implementation of Phase Two. For now, let ourselves feel hopeful.

The results of Group B's experiments are also extraordinary. I need time to process the data, but we can discuss it tomorrow morning.

Until then, see you tomorrow.

Ava Paige


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