Chapter 21 : The Alpha

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Cessie's POV ..

A black-haired man rebels against WICKED. He destroys the objects in front of him.

"Stop, Thomas! You don't need to worry about her. She will be fine," Johnson, the man who works as the right-hand of the woman in the white uniform, says.

"NO! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" the man exclaims.

"Do not sacrifice my sister! No! Cessie!" The man seemed to be trying to free himself from the grip of those holding him, while looking at me, lying helpless after being injected with a tranquilizer in my neck. It hurts.

"No! Cessie!" he shouted.



"Who is there?" I ask, still trying to gather my wits and return to reality.

Chuck looks at me with excitement in his eyes. "The others, The rest of the Gladers are here," he says.

Relief washes over me as I realize that I am surrounded by familiar faces. The fear and confusion from my dream begin to fade away. I take a deep breath, grateful to be back with the Gladers, my friends, and my true family.

I look at the group gathered around Alby, a mix of concern and relief filling my heart. Alby, our leader, is a strong and resilient Glader, but seeing him injured sends a pang of worry through me.

"Is he going to be alright?" I ask, my voice filled with genuine concern.

Newt, always the one with a level head, turns to me and nods. "He'll be fine, Newt. We managed to stabilize him for now. We're just waiting for him to regain consciousness."

I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that Alby is in capable hands. It's a tough world out there in the Scorch, but we've been through worse. Together, we'll get through this too.

I turn my attention to the rest of the group, greeting them with a small smile. It's good to see them all together again, safe and alive. We may be facing unimaginable challenges, but as long as we stick together, we have a fighting chance.

I look at the group gathered around Alby, a mix of concern and relief filling my heart. Alby, our leader, is a strong and resilient Glader, but seeing him injured sends a pang of worry through me.

"Who are they?" I ask innocently.

"Hey, it's only been a day and you've already forgotten about Minho, Alby, and Tho-" he starts to say but gets interrupted by my excitement as I immediately stand up, grabbing Chuck's hand and pulling him outside.

"Hey, slow down!" Chuck says.

"Quiet. Tell me where they are now?" I command him eagerly.

Chuck then releases his hand from my grip.

"Oh, Cessie. Patience. I'll show you the way, not you," he says, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, follow me!" Chuck orders.

It's like I've lost my mind this time. I run after Chuck as he leads me to the med-jack.

There, I see Newt, Minho, Thomas, Clint, Jeff, Fry, Gally, and Winston all staring at Alby.

I observe them all staring at me, disheveled and bruised from spending the night lying on the ground. My gaze falls upon Alby, who is lying down with blood dripping from his head. He's only wearing pants, exposing his upper body. His stomach appears to be stung, with large blue veins visible around his body. They have tied Alby with plant-made ropes. Minho chuckles.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora