Chapter 40 : Is this the end?

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Cessie's POV ...

The door began to close, and instantly, everything turned dark. My heart started racing, my breath raced, and I tried to adjust my vision from within this darkness.

I fell to my knees, hitting the rough wall of the maze.


"I can't breathe," I whispered.

I clutched the bag that Minho had given me, waiting for my eyes to adjust to this darkness.

The light of the night sky began to illuminate me, and every corner of the maze, making the atmosphere even more terrifying.

I heard many strange sounds, but I paid no attention to them. I didn't want to die in this place.

Oh God, why were they treating me like this? I had tried my best, but what did I get in return? They banished me here.

I couldn't bear this anymore; I was losing my mind. My feet kept moving, guided by some instinct; I didn't know where.

I couldn't remember the way to sections five, six, or seven. The only thing I remembered was when Minho carried me out of the maze when I was injured.

"I can't do this!" I said again, leaning against the rough maze wall, tears streaming down my face.

I was terrified, my body trembling. Groans echoed from every corner of the maze, hurting my ears.

Was that a Griever?

"Don't stop running!"

That thought came to my mind, and I had to hurry. With all the strength I had left, even though my legs felt heavy, I had to run! Whatever happened, I had to run.

I reached into my bag and accidentally cut my hand on something inside.

"Argh!" I winced in pain, quickly pulling out the object.

"A pocket knife?" I murmured.

I hoped this would work. I ran through the silence of the labyrinth, navigating every unknown path.

What if I got lost? Oh, damn it!

My breath was ragged as I heard the groaning getting closer.

No way! Was a Griever chasing me? I didn't want to die foolishly in this place.

I had to stay alive, no matter what they said. If I was indeed the one responsible for them being like this, then I also had to end it, even though it was difficult for me to remember the beginning of all this.

I didn't know how long I had been running; I couldn't hear that sound anymore. Had it gone away?

I stopped, leaning against the cold maze wall. My body was hot, and my hand was bleeding from the cut. I immediately took off the thick purple hoodie and tore it with the knife, wrapping it around my injured hand.

I winced in pain. My legs were weak from running. My mind was a mess as I thought about them all, and I began to cry, my face buried in my knees that I hugged.

Why was life so unfair?

Out of so many people, why me?

I just wanted to live a little longer.

I didn't want to lose Thomas for the second time.

He was the only family I had. He meant everything to me.

I screamed as loudly as I could, with painful sobs in between.

"How dare you," I said, my hope starting to fade.

"You let me go, Minho," I whispered, letting the tears fall onto the rough maze floor.

I pulled at my hair, regretting that I couldn't see him again.

Groans began to be heard, and raindrops started falling from above. Even the sky was weeping.

I looked up at the sky, cursing anyone.




I hoped the creators could see me. I remembered my dream of an older woman, Ava! Her name was Ava!

"FUCK YOU, AVA!" I shouted, ignoring the approaching Griever.

I had given up, dear God. I was tired of all this.

I couldn't make the Glade a home to return to.

I wasn't considered family here.

I was truly a stranger to them.

I couldn't accept the fact that I liked a guy who liked someone else!

My body was wet, the water dripping from my hand turning red because of the wound. I didn't care about the hoodie anymore; I left it soaking wet with bloodstains from my hand.

I stared ahead into the dark maze, and suddenly something huge emerged. It was about seven times my height.

Damn it! Was that a Griever?

The creature began to run toward me. I was too weak to run; I was ready for this. Suddenly, that thought entered my mind.

"You must not die!"

My eyes widened. No, I had to fight.

"MINHO, DAMN IT!" I yelled, and then I ran as hard as I could, even though my legs were numb from exhaustion.

I swung my hand to match the pace of my running, cutting through every unknown path.

I wanted to scream for help, but I couldn't. My mind was too focused on which path to take.

"Shit!" I muttered as I began to feel cornered.

Maybe I really couldn't do it.

I had reached the end; I was trapped, with no way out except toward where the Griever was.

The creature was running toward me.

I was ready.

I closed my eyes and waited!

I had a pocket knife. Staying like this, I would still die.

If I tried to fight, maybe I could survive.


The most likely possibility was that I would die, so what was I waiting for?

Wherever your legs take you, I will find you.


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