Chapter 34 : The Mistakes

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As the day turned into evening, the Gladers continued their work, with some starting to clean up the area where they worked and getting their tools ready for the next day.

In Cessie's garden, Teresa, Newt, Chuck, and Zart were planting and fertilizing their crops.

Zart was busy picking tomatoes, while Newt was cleaning the garden.

Chuck, who was in charge of fertilizing, realized that they had run out of fertilizer. That's when Newt instructed Teresa to get more fertilizer from the forest.

Teresa began to head into the woods as per Newt's instructions. Cessie, who hadn't spoken to Newt for a while, approached him as he worked on his crops.

"Hey Newt, how are you?" Cessie greeted Newt.

Newt stopped his activity and looked at Cessie, smiling at her.

"Hey, I'm good. What's up?" Newt replied to Cessie.

"Oh, I just wanted to say hi," Cessie replied with a grin, making Newt laugh at her playful demeanor.

Since the incident where Minho and Newt had a fight because Newt had kissed Cessie and the subsequent rejection, they hadn't exchanged greetings. So, this was the first time they greeted each other since then.

"It's been a while since you visited my hut," Cessie joked while laughing.

Initially, Newt had considered moving into Cessie's hut, but his feelings couldn't be forced, and he genuinely missed the times they had spent together.

"No, I didn't mean it that way. I've just been quite busy," he replied, smiling sweetly at Cessie.

"I'm sorry for what happened that day. I'm sorry for what I di—" Cessie began to speak but was interrupted by Newt.

"Let's not dwell on it. Minho and I are fine, so there's no need to apologize," Newt said, patting Cessie's shoulder gently.

"Alright, the evening is starting. We need to clean up the area," Newt said to those in the garden.

"Wait, Teresa hasn't come back yet," Chuck said to Newt.

"I thought you asked her to get the fertilizer, Newt?" Zart replied.

Newt realized that he had indeed asked Teresa, but she hadn't returned. He then looked at Cessie.

"Cessie, could you help me?" Newt asked her.

"Yup, as long as I can, I'll help," the girl replied with a smile.

Newt fell in love with her all over again with her random yet lovely behavior.

"Call Teresa in the forest where you sent her to get the fertilizer," Newt instructed Cessie. She excitedly nodded and started walking toward the forest.

After only five steps, Newt called out to her from a distance.

"Cessie, be careful! Don't make trouble!" Newt warned, followed by Zart's laughter.

Honestly, Newt was very cautious when asking Cessie to do something because he didn't want her to get into trouble and end up being banished.

Confused by Newt's concern, Cessie simply nodded in understanding and continued walking toward the forest.

Once in the forest, she saw Teresa sitting, staring at a small black bucket filled with fertilizer that she had collected.

Cessie's POV...

I walked up to Teresa, who was sitting and staring at the full bucket of fertilizer. She looked downcast, lost in thought about something she hadn't shared with anyone.

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