Chapter 43 : Please, Cessie. Please.

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Minho didn't think about the Griever anymore, which could wake up and sting him at any moment, even though it seemed unlikely because the creature's head was severed and its cables were scattered around its body. He only thought about where the blood came from.

Getting closer,





He stared at a girl's body covered in blood, flowing down following the slope on the maze floor.

His heart raced,
"It's Cessie!" He whispered in his heart. His breath quickened as he looked at the girl. As he got closer, he knelt beside her, hoping that what he saw wasn't Cessie, but it was impossible to think of anyone else when the lifeless body of the girl lay before him, covered in blood from her hands to her feet.

"No, it can't be!" He said to himself. Minho shook his head, denying what he saw.

"No! This can't be Cessie," he said, looking at Cessie. His eyes started to well up with tears.

"No way..." he uttered softly, his voice trembling.

Minho knelt down and embraced the girl. Tears flowed freely, more than when Cessie was banished.

"No.. No! Please don't!!" His hoarse voice sounded piercing, expressing his shattered feelings as if he had just lost the most precious piece of his life, and it was irreplaceable.

"No. Please, Cessie, please," he repeated softly, hoping the girl could hear him.

"This is not true," he said, disbelieving.

"This is not the right time for you!" The voice sounded incredibly painful, broken like someone who had lost everything.

"I can't! I can't see you like this, Cessie, please," he kept saying, even though he knew he was talking to a lifeless body.

"NOO!!!" He shouted loudly while shaking the girl's body.

He couldn't accept that Cessie was gone. He didn't want her to leave; he wouldn't allow it.

He cursed himself for what had happened to Cessie.

"What have you done," he whispered to the girl and then looked at the shapeless Griever carcass next to him.

Minho thought of the girl's attempt to fight alone with a pocket knife against a creature many times her size.

In his mind, there was only Cessie. She was scared, alone in the darkness. The most painful thing was that Minho couldn't save her.

"Stupid!" Minho muttered, frustrated and heartbroken by the girl.

"You're weak! You're too weak against it!" Minho said, as if the girl were still alive, listening attentively.

Minho screamed as he pleaded with the lifeless body.

He couldn't accept that Cessie was gone. He didn't want her to leave; he wouldn't allow it.

He cursed himself for what had happened to Cessie.

"What have you done," he whispered to the girl and then looked at the shapeless Griever carcass next to him.

Minho thought of the girl's attempt to fight alone with a pocket knife against a creature many times her size.

In his mind, there was only Cessie. She was scared, alone in the darkness. The most painful thing was that Minho couldn't save her.

"Stupid!" Minho muttered, frustrated and heartbroken by the girl.

"You're weak! You're too weak against it!" Minho said, as if the girl were still alive, listening attentively.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora