Chapter 8 : The feeling

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Cessie's POV ...

I continued to serve the Gladers with the food they had chosen, alongside Fry.
After serving Chuck, Minho approached me and Fry with his plate in hand.

"As usual, shank," Minho said to Fry. Frypan laughed. Without looking at me, Minho continued talking to Fry.

"I thought you wouldn't have time to prepare the food, considering the Keepers and Gladers are busy during the day," Minho said as he grabbed an apple from the table next to the vegetables.

"Well, I thought you would nag at me, so I asked Cessie to help me with the work," Fry replied, throwing a mischievous smile at me.

Minho glanced at me with his usual gaze.

I tried to decipher his gaze, unsure of what it meant. Was he interested or not? It was difficult to interpret.

"Oh, I thought she wouldn't be useful here," Minho said, taking a bite of the apple in his hand.

Frypan let out a hearty laugh. I remained silent, not paying much attention to what he said. I stayed focused on preparing the food for the Gladers.

"Do you two know each other?" Fry asked.

"You've been busy since yesterday, Minho. And this might be the second time you've met after the meeting earlier," Frypan remarked.

Oh no, Fry... It's actually the fourth time we've met, this kid.

"I don't know, I've been too busy," Minho said casually.

Okay. Even Minho didn't deny Frypan's statement. Or maybe he forgot? Oh well, there's no point hoping that he'll acknowledge that we've met several times. I, myself, won't admit that I've met Minho personally either, and it's quite frustrating.

"How's the Maze? Anything new?" Fry asked, handing Minho a plate of food.

"Same old, shank. Don't ask too many questions. I'm exhausted. You better look after your little minion over there. Teach him how to speak," Minho said, glancing at me.

"Or maybe he's just mute," Minho added softly but still audible. I immediately stared at him sharply.

He just chuckled and walked away. Fry, who witnessed the interaction, laughed along.

"Damn it, Minho!" I exclaimed, stomping my foot in frustration.

"I told you he's annoying," Frypan said.

"Anyway, now go eat," Frypan said, handing me a plate of food. I smiled, grateful for the food Frypan gave me.

"Thank you, Fry," I said before going off to find a comfortable spot to enjoy my meal.

After eating, the Gladers headed back to the homestead to rest. However, there were a few who remained, sitting in the middle of the Glade, enjoying the breeze and the illuminating night light.

As I was about to turn around, I saw Newt and Minho entering the woods. It seemed like they were discussing something.

I followed them, intentionally hiding behind a tree so I could listen to their conversation without being noticed.

"Are you insane?" Minho exclaimed.

"No, Minho. I know it's dangerous, but let her try. We don't know who she is before they sent her to the Glade. The Creators wouldn't just send anyone here for no reason," Newt said. Minho appeared silent, carefully considering every word Newt spoke.

"Do you remember three years ago when they sent a group of new kids all at once and left the doors open all night? Many didn't make it. And now, after all this time, who knows what they're planning by sending a girl into the Glade," Newt said. Minho remained silent.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now