Chapter 39 : Their wishes

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Thomas continued to follow Teresa, unsure where she was leading him, but they were now entering the southern part of the Glade's forest.

Thomas jogged a bit and then pulled Teresa's hand, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"What's going on, Teresa?" Thomas asked, confusion evident in his tone.

His mind was a mess; he had just lost his sister, and he didn't want any more trouble in the Glade.

Teresa turned around, looking straight at Thomas. She shook her head, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I saw you," Teresa said, successfully drawing Thomas into their conversation.

"What?" Thomas asked, puzzled by what Teresa had just stated.

"I saw you over there," she said.

Thomas continued to try to digest the meaning behind Teresa's words.

"You and Cessie," she continued. This time, Thomas understood what she meant.

Thomas couldn't believe what Teresa was saying. He knew that he and his sister had worked with WICKED, but how could Teresa know?

"Have we met before?" Thomas asked, curious.

Teresa paused for a moment, her mind processing Thomas's question.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I've seen you and Cessie. You're the pride of the Creators; thanks to you, they all ended up here!" Teresa emphasized her last sentence.

Thomas's breath quickened; he needed a detailed explanation of how Teresa could know this.

"But how do you know?" Thomas asked Teresa.

"Do you work with them too?" Thomas's question made Teresa widen her eyes.

"No! I don't work with them. I don't know why I keep seeing you. I keep dreaming about you two, and it's not just regular dreams. I feel like it's real," Teresa explained.

Thomas felt like he was going crazy now, completely unexpected.

"Thomas, this is all your fault!" Teresa said, making Thomas flinch.

"What are you talking about, Teresa? I haven't done anything to them!" Thomas replied, still speaking softly but with intense emotion to ensure that no one else would overhear their conversation.

"Oh, you think so?" Teresa shot back, hugging her own arms in front of her chest.

"You think you haven't done anything? No, Thomas! You're just like that girl. You're not doing nothing; you're not remembering anything about your past actions!" Teresa explained.

She deeply regretted what Thomas and Cessie had done. She only wanted freedom; she only wanted to help the Gladers, but she herself didn't know who she was, where she came from, and why she was sent here as the last woman in the Glade.

It took time for her to remember the things that the Creators intentionally erased so that she could carry out her mission.

Thomas stepped back, his mind becoming even more chaotic. He felt like dying if he continued to encounter situations like this.

"Stop talking as if you really know everything about me," Thomas told her.

"Oh, yeah? Unfortunately, I know about you!" Teresa jeered.

Thomas was even more shocked and somewhat afraid of the girl in front of him.

"I'm leaving," Thomas said, and then walked away from Teresa.

The Keepers began to disperse, and the Glade fell silent again, with no sounds except for the sharp, cutting wind against their skin.

Thomas thought about Cessie. How could Teresa know all these details?

How could she keep dreaming about them if she didn't work with the Creators? Something was wrong with the girl.

Thomas was starting to feel like a madman. He kept shaking his head as if all the possible scenarios were happening outside.

"Damn it!" Thomas exclaimed. He then walked towards the closed maze door. He looked up at the door from below.

"It's too high," Thomas muttered to himself.

He was determined to climb it, but it was just too high, so he abandoned that idea.

He walked a bit backward and stopped about ten meters in front of the maze door.

Thomas lay down on the cool, dewy grass of the Glade.

The cold didn't bother him anymore; his heart was burning with thoughts of all the Creator's actions towards them.

On the other side, Newt lay in his hammock after Thomas went into the forest with Teresa.

Newt had seen Teresa calling Thomas, but he didn't pay much attention to them. The new arrivals lately had been quite surprising.

First, there was Cessie, the girl who had been the first to be sent to the Glade in three years. Then came Thomas, a brash young man with lots of questions, who even broke the rules by entering the maze, which was a sure way to get himself killed if he didn't make it out. Finally, Teresa arrived, bringing medicine and curing Alby.

Newt couldn't make sense of what they all meant, and his heart was shattered thinking about Cessie.

Newt closed his eyes, remembering the moments he had shared with her. He missed those times dearly.

Her face, her beautiful eyes, her perfectly matched nose and her rosy lips that he had once touched and even felt against his own lips, it was making Newt lose his mind.

Tears rolled down his cheeks. He couldn't hold them back. She was too innocent to be thrown into the maze.

Newt remembered Cessie when they were about to banish her. She was scared, she didn't know anything! Why did they do it?

Poor Cessie...

She became a scapegoat for the Gladers just to make WICKED give up. But would it work?

Newt was sure it would be in vain. If the girl was valuable, why would WICKED send her here knowing that the Gladers would kill her if they found out she worked with WICKED?

He didn't have much hope that Cessie would return; it seemed impossible for her to come back safely.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat