Chapter 30 : The Rumor

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Author's POV...

The ground trembled strongly, indicating that the Maze door was starting to close. The Gladers had finished their activities and were dispersing from their work areas.

Cessie, who was still in the forest, sat there pondering her fate. She cried as she remembered all the events she had experienced.

Whoever her parents were, she was sure that they missed her dearly.

She wanted to go back to a normal life, like before she was exiled.

She believed she had a happy family before WICKED decided to erase her memories.

The sky began to darken, signaling that night had arrived. Moonlight pierced through the gaps in the trees, illuminating the girl sitting in the darkness.

On the other side, the Gladers started gathering to line up for their dinner in the Fry kitchen.

Some of them were enjoying their free time, cracking jokes and laughing with the other Gladers.

Among the Gladers, some chose to rest in their hammocks.

Thomas, walking alone, was searching for Cassie's figure but didn't find her.

He felt panicked by the statement Teresa had delivered to them.

There was one thing he knew about himself and Cassie in the past that he hadn't told anyone.

He felt that this wasn't the right time to reveal the truth about some memories he recalled when he was asleep.

He chose to bury the truth because he knew that if he said it, the situation would become worse.

Thomas was extremely disappointed in Teresa. He thought she couldn't be trusted for situations like this. She chose to say what she shouldn't say, while Newt and Chuck were sitting under a fallen tree.

Clint and Jeff were still tending to Alby in the Med-jack area, monitoring his recovery even though Alby seemed healthy and the effects of the Griever sting had faded from his body.

Minho and the other Runners were having a conversation in an open area. Minho and the four Runners, except for Thomas, were lying on the green grass, gazing up at the sky, while some chose to sit.

What about Frypan? As usual, Fry was serving the Gladers who wanted dinner.

"Here you go..." Fry said, handing a plate of food to Zart, who was in the last line.

"Thanks, Fry. Your cooking is the best," Zart said before leaving.

Frypan looked around, searching for someone. He was looking for Cassie, who hadn't shown up to get her dinner.

Cessie was unaware of the rumors circulating about her. The rumors had spread throughout the Glade.

Meanwhile, Cessie, who was in the forest, started standing up and leaving the dark woods.

Honestly, she was scared of the darkness, but this time, the reality was scarier than the darkness she was navigating.

Cessie started walking until she finally exited the forest. She stopped for a moment, took a deep breath, and exhaled through her mouth to relieve the stress she was feeling.

It was very difficult for her to endure this place without her family and the people she knew.

From a distance, she could see the Gladers engaging in their casual activities.

She began walking towards the Fry kitchen. Along the way, she felt uncomfortable with the glances of the Gladers. They looked at her with disbelief and fear in their eyes.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now