Chapter 44 : Bring her back

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The atmosphere grew more tense.

"I hope he found her," Frypan said confidently.

They all looked at Frypan, who believed in the impossible. Until finally, they caught a glimpse of a figure emerging from the left turn of the maze.

"Look!" A Glader exclaimed, pointing towards the maze, right where Minho was.

Without hesitation, Thomas and the withdrawing Runners sprinted towards the two of them, as only the Runners were allowed inside the maze.

Looking at Minho's demeanor from the Glade, he seemed like a psychopath who had just killed a girl and was now covered in blood.

Gally covered Chuck's eyes because Chuck was still underage to witness so much blood.

The Gladers were shocked, some of them moved away, afraid to see the blood, just like Teresa, who chose to leave the Glade when she saw what was in front of her.

Frypan remained silent, shaking his head in regret for what had happened. As for Alby, he looked briefly at Cessie's body before taking a deep breath and sighing.

In Alby's mind, Cessie was already dead, and he regretted Minho's decision to bring her back and waste his energy carrying a dead body back to the Glade, even though he had to cover kilometers.

"Help me," Minho said, exhausted. His face was red, sweat pouring down, and he looked extremely dirty.

Thomas took Cessie from Minho's shoulder, followed by the help of the Runners, and laid her on the green grass in front of the maze's entrance.

The Gladers felt sick as they looked at Cessie, with blood scattered everywhere, but they couldn't look away.

They were deeply saddened, and many Gladers shed tears as they looked at the girl's lifeless body, even Zart, who had always accompanied Cessie while working in the gardens, cried and chose to leave, unable to bear the sight.

Thomas approached Cessie to check her pulse, but there was no sign of a heartbeat.

Not that Thomas wasn't concerned about Cessie, he had prepared himself since Minho told him to accept whatever happened to Cessie. It wasn't difficult for Thomas, but he cursed himself and made peace with whatever risks came.

Newt checked her pulse too, making sure she could still be saved or not, and unfortunately, the unfortunate girl was indeed gone.

Clint and Jeff abandoned their intention to check on Cessie.

"She's gone," Jeff said softly.

Minho shook his head as he looked at each of them and then walked closer with his labored breath.

"You gotta be kidding me, huh?" Minho quickly pushed Thomas aside.

Thomas was surprised by Minho's actions. He was devastated by this event, but Minho shouldn't have treated Thomas that way.

With clenched fists, Thomas stepped forward and pushed Minho, but he didn't feel strong. Minho only flinched from Thomas's push.

Looking into the man's eyes, Thomas thought of something fatal, that he had made a mistake with Minho.

"Are you crazy?" Minho said harshly, looking directly at Thomas's face.

Newt approached Thomas to restrain him, while Gally and Alby blocked Minho's front to prevent him from doing anything harmful to Thomas.

"She's dead, Minho!" Thomas said firmly, although a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I don't care!" Minho growled, then knelt down to look at Cessie. Whatever Minho was thinking, the Gladers saw another side of Minho, one that was in despair. All the Gladers knew that the man in front of them, weak and kneeling, was someone who knew no fear, had never experienced sadness, and would never reconcile with his despair.

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