Chapter 36 : The Promise

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Author's POV...

Minho walked towards the woods to the shack where the mapping was done. He intentionally went there to wait until all the Gladers finished and prepared in front of the Maze door.

Once he arrived at the mapping location, he immediately sat on a wooden box.

The man began to take deep breaths, then exhaled slowly through his mouth as if meditating. Minho thought about various things in his life, things he remembered during his time in the Maze.

Becoming a Leader wasn't his choice. He didn't want to lead a pack like an Alpha wolf trying to save his kind from extinction and the greed of humans and wild animals hunting his pack.

He didn't want to be burdened with this heavy responsibility. He was sent into the Maze every day without knowing when he might die in there.

He genuinely didn't want that girl to be Banished, but what could he do? Rules were rules, and promises had to be kept.

What does it feel like to be a person full of trauma but unable to tell anyone and choosing to bury it all, hurting oneself in the process?

He didn't remember anything about his past life; he didn't know what his life was like before he was exiled, and now he was a Leader.

There were many things the Gladers never knew about him.

If the Gladers felt shattered by losing someone, believe that Minho was the one who shattered first. After all, he led the Banishments.

His mind was truly in turmoil, his feelings were chaotic thinking about all of this.

While battling his thoughts, suddenly footsteps were heard from outside.

"Hey, Minho, you're here," Newt said.

Minho stared at him without any expression.

"They're waiting in front of the Maze door. Get ready; the door will close soon," Newt said and then left the shack.

Minho watched Newt as he left.

"I can't do it. I can't," he mumbled to himself.

The man immediately stood up, took a small bag labeled W.C.K.D. from a shelf, and remembered Ben. It felt like déjà vu because when Ben was Banished, Minho had prepared the bag and supplies that would be needed when he was in the Maze.

Out of all the people Minho had Banished, not a single one had ever returned, making it even harder for him to do it.

Minho took a deep breath while closing his eyes, then exhaled slowly, trying to calm himself down.

Trying to battle the thought that the girl would never meet him again. Minho then steadied his steps to go to the hole prison where Cessie was being held.

It was very quiet there as there were no other Gladers around. They had all gathered in front of the Maze door.

From a distance of ten meters, Minho could see the prison. The man paused and stopped walking to where Cessie was, considering that she would be Banished in a moment.

Once there, Minho looked at the girl who was very pale. Her lips trembled, indicating her fear. She was cornered in the darkness, hugging her knees.

She looked at Minho, wondering what they would do to her, even though she already knew she would be Banished soon.

Minho immediately knelt to open the bamboo door.

"Minho, what are you going to do?" the girl asked with a trembling voice.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now