Chapter 14 : My fault?

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Cessie's POV ...

"Cessie!" someone calls out.

"What's happening?" another asks.

I can't handle it anymore. My body suddenly feels weak. My legs hurt, my head feels heavy, and it's incredibly difficult to breathe normally.

I simply nod my head to let them know not to panic.

"Pick her up, Newt."

"Her neck is turning red."

"Take her to the med-jack."

"Hey, don't crowd her, she can't breathe."

The voices sound chaotic and loud.

"I'll carry her," Minho says.

"No, let me," Newt says, already preparing to lift me.

"I'm fine," I say.

Minho looks at me with a questioning look, while Newt grips my hand in panic.

Minho looks at Newt's hand holding mine, then turns to look at Newt.

"What happened, Cessie?" Newt asks me.

"I don't know," I whisper softly while holding my head.

"What were you doing in the woods?" Minho asks harshly.

Oh, not again, Minho.

"Fertilizer. I was getting fertilizer, and out of nowhere, he was standing behind me," I explain, still catching my breath.

I feel uneasy now.

"I told you to get the fertilizer," Newt says, looking at Minho with a 'sorry' expression.

Minho grumbles in frustration.

"What is wrong with you, Newt? I've told you to be careful when asking her to do something. There are no other women here besides her," Minho says, full of emotion.

"And what about you? You have no idea what goes through people's minds when they see you alone in the woods," he says to me.

Minho is right.

Newt touches my cheek when he notices blood on my lips.

"You're bleeding, Cessie," Newt says. Minho immediately looks at my face and grumbles in frustration.

"Damn it. I'm tired of running through the maze all the time to protect the Gladers, and now you're getting hurt inside the Glade," Minho says, frustrated with himself.

"What did Ben say to you?" Minho asks.

I look at Minho intently. The guy looks really distressed.

"I don't know, honestly," I say.

"He said it's all my fault. I don't even know what he meant by that. He said he saw me there," I continue.

Minho falls silent, then stands up.

"Where are you going, Minho?" Newt asks.

"I'm going to check on Ben. You go to the council hall. The Keepers are gathering there to discuss something," Minho says to Newt and leaves without even glancing at me.

Hey, did I say something wrong? Why is he suddenly not caring?

I look at Newt, who appears to be looking down.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask him.

Newt looks at me and smiles.

"Alright then. You should rest for a while. I'll catch up with Minho," Newt says and stands up, then leaves. Just like Minho. Why are they suddenly ignoring me? Especially when they were the ones who were most concerned about my well-being earlier.

I still seated, start to stand up and make my way towards the treehouse. No matter how dizzy I feel, nothing can deter me from climbing the stairs that ascend into the tree. Considering what just happened, I abandon my intention to go to the med-jack.

The Gladers start to disperse and discuss the recent events.

Property Of W.C.K.D - Book 1 (Minho Fanfic - TMR)  Where stories live. Discover now