Day 2 of quarantine

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The next morning everyone got up and met in the kitchen around 9. Ellen changed into some leggings and a tshirt, wanting to do a workout before she started the day. She got herself ready and opened her room and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning El!" Patrick exclaimed as he saw her walk into the kitchen. "Morning Patty." She said with a smile. "I'm gonna get a workout in if anyone wants to join." Ellen offered. "We're quarantined and you still working out. You crazy!" Chandra exclaimed with a chuckle. Ellen smiled. "We have any protein shakes?" She asked. Patrick checked the fridge and was surprised when she found a pack of them. He tossed one to her. "Thank you." She said. "Okay. I'll
Be back soon." Ellen said as she proceeded to the backyard.

"She works out every single morning." Shonda said, who arrived with Krista, Camilla, and Kim last night as they were told to quarantine as well. "I wish I had the motivation to do that." Shonda said with a laugh.

Ellen got into the backyard and flicked on one of the workout videos her trainer made for her. It consisted of 5 40 yard sprints, then 15 burpees, then 1 100 yard sprint, and you had to repeat that 5 times. Luckily, the backyard was huge so she had enough room to do it. It was hard, but Ellen loved working out. She pulled off her tshirt so she was just in her sports bra and stretched before beginning the workout.

"Let's go see what she even does." TR said. We all walked over to the backyard and peeked out the window. Patrick's heart jumped into his throat when he saw her small, sweaty form taking a break. He thought that she never looked more gorgeous. "I wish I had her abs." Giacomo joked. "Don't we all." Chandra said with a laugh. "Patrick?" James asked. "Wha?" Patrick said, snapping out of his trance and looming back towards everyone. "Just ask her out already!" TR exclaimed. Patrick blushed and smiled shyly. As they saw Ellen finishing up her workout, they all receded back to the living room.

Ellen was sweaty and gross, and she needed a shower, but first, she needed a protein bar. She walked back into the kitchen and smiled when she saw everyone sitting on the couch. "Hey El! How was the workout?" Giacomo asked. "Good. Hot. Tired. I need a shower." Ellen said with a laugh. Patrick eyed her up and down, and looked at her dreamily. Ellen, who was oblivious to the look Patrick was giving her, grabbed a protein bar and went back up stairs.

Ellen turned on the hot water and stripped her clothes, stepping into the stream of water. She let the water stream down her lithe body for a few minutes, before washing her hair and her body, both lavender scented, which she knew Patrick liked. She didn't know why, but being around Patrick gave her butterflies in her stomach, much as it did once before. But she didn't forget how he left and didn't talk to her for years. Those abandonment issues don't just go away, but he did make her happy. She stepped out of the water and changed into some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt that was huge on her and made her way downstairs.

Ellen sat down on the couch next to Patrick and smiled. "So what are we doin today?" She asked. "We have alcohol." Camilla pointed out. "And we have movies." Kim added. "Alcohol, food, and movies. Sounds good to me." Patrick said with a laugh. Ellen smiled and looked at him, getting lost in his eyes. Patrick looked at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Ellen rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, savoring the moment. Patrick was smiling proudly as he looked down at the small woman next to him. He looked up and saw everyone smiling. He blushed as Ellen picked her head up and started a conversation again. "Anyone want to play a game? It's a little early to drink and watch movies." She suggested. Everyone nodded. "How about...truth or dare?" Camilla suggested with a smirk. "Okay." Chandra agreed as did everyone else.

"Ellen. I dare you to jump in the pool naked." Camilla said with a smirk. Ellen blushed. "But you can see the pool from here. I can't go...naked." She stuttered. "Fine. Bra and panties." Camilla said with a sigh. "You're on bitch." Ellen said with a smile. She pulled off her sweatshirt and leggings and opened the door. She dove into the large pool, shivering at the coldness and her exposed body. She did a few laps before getting out and wrapped herself in a towel. "Happy?" Ellen asked. "Great." Camilla said with a smirk. Ellen dried herself off and changed in the bathroom before returning to her seat next to Patrick, who was still recovering drom seeing his crush half naked.

The last date of the game came from Shonda, and her dare surprised everyone. "Patrick, I dare you to kiss Ellen." She  said. Patrick and Ellen blushed. "Oh, well - you know, it's-." Patrick stammered. "Do it or you lose." Shonda said firmly. Patrick gave in and leant in to Ellen. He pressed his lips against hers and marveled at how it felt to have his lips against hers again. He missed being so close to her, relationship wise and physically. He cupped her face gently, deepening the kiss.

After a moment, Patrick pulled away and the pairs faces were red. Everyone smirked in the room and Ellen stood up.

"Time for alcohol?" She asked. Chandra snickered and nodded. Ellen made everyone drinks, reliving her bar tending days and thought about the kiss. She missed him. She reallt did. When he left, it broke her heart. She made everyinr drinks and Patrick was the last one. "What would you like?" Ellen asked. "Uh, single malt scotch please." Patrick said with a smile. Ellen smiled and started making it. "El, about that kiss-." Patrick started. "It was great." Ellen cut in. "It was." Patrick agreed. "But it shouldn't happen again." She said. She was only doing this so she didn't get hurt again. Patrick frowned. "Patrick, when you don't have more episodes to film, are you gonna leave me again?" Ellen asked in a small voice, noticing his expression. It was then when Patrick finally realized how bad leaving greys and stopping talking to her hurt her. "I'm not gonna leave again El." He whispered. "Good. Then maybe it can happen again." Ellen said with a smile. She handed him the drink and they both said down on the couch.

Ellen and Patrick sat down on the couch next to each other, and James started the movie that was queued up, which just happened to be Ellen's first big movie, 'Moonlight Mile.' "No!" Ellen cried as she saw her face appear on the screen. She buried her face into Patrick's chest and looked away. Patrick smiled and laughed.

At the end of the movie, everyone seemed to stay awake except Ellen. Patrick lifted her into his arms and said goodnight to everyone before bringing her up to her bedroom. He placed her down gently and kissed her forehead before leaving. He went back to his room and laid down, thinking about what Ellen said.

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