Day 50 out of quarantine

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Patrick and Ellen both woke up the next day, laying in bed before work. "Are we telling everyone?" Ellen asked into his chest.

"If you want to we can." Patrick replied, kissing her head. "I think we should. They've been by our sides for years." She said. "Okay." He whispered, holding her close.

"When did Janet say she'd call us?" Ellen asked. "I don't think she gave a specific time, just said she'd be in touch. Don't stress about it." Patrick answered. "Okay."

"We should probably get up." Patrick suggested. "I don't want to. But we should." She sighed, grunting as she got out of bed.


The two of them drove to work in a comfortable silence. As they were wrapping up season 17, they hadn't had to be on set as much.

They arrived on set, and both put their masks on before walking in. "Ellen, Patrick, hi!" Shonda exclaimed, walking towards them with a smile.

"Hey." Ellen answered with a yawn. She was not an early riser at all, not that it was even really early. "What have you guys been doing lately?" She asked.

"Not much." Ellen said quickly, squeezing Patrick hand. "Just relaxing."

"Thats good. Let's go to the table read." Shonda said, knowing they weren't saying something.

All of them entered the table read room and took seats, socially distanced. "Okay guys, so, this week is going to be a difficult one, but don't worry, I have tissues. This week we're going to be filming Jesses farewell. I know most of us know about it already, but it's going to be hard." Shonda started.

Ellen's eyes wandered to Jesse, and felt a wave a sadness rush over her. Jesse had been one of her good and closest friends on set after Patrick left and Sandra left.

Patrick squeezed her hand supportively as best as he could from 6 feet away. Patrick knew Jesse had been someone she leant on for comfort after he left. He knew other people took care of her, especially during her divorce, and he was thankful for that.


"I don't want to this be our goodbye." Ellen read, her voice shaky. Patrick could see the tears in her eyes. "It's not a goodbye, Meredith. I just....Mark would want me to do this, you know? I need to do this." Jesse, or Jackson said. His own voice being shaky.

"I know." Ellen whispered. "You're a strong person, Meredith. I'll keep in touch, I promise, okay?" Jesse asked. She nodded.

"And...nicely done. That'll do it for the read today. Whoever has scenes today, please stay, whoever doesn't, feel free to go. Have a nice day everyone." Krista said.

"So, did you and Patrick have the talk?" Camilla asked excitedly, walking up to Ellen as Patrick chatted with Jesse and the rest of the guys.

"The talk?" She asked with a confused frown. "You know....the baby talk." Camilla said, enunciating the 'baby'. "Oh. That. Yeah." Ellen said with a smile.

"And? You're killing me Els." She said in an exasperated tone. "We called an adoption center yesterday and got in touch." Ellen answered, unable to keep the smile off of her face.

"You did?" Camilla smiled. She always knew Ellen would be an excellent mother, and she was happy for for best friend. "Yeah. We gave them our information and were talking now about matches." She explained.

"That's amazing, El! I'm so happy for you guys." She said, hugging her friend tightly. "What are we happy about?" Patrick asked, coming over.

"You guys adopting a baby." Camilla said, surprising Patrick by hugging him too. Obviously she was excited. "Yeah." Patrick smiled.

"Who's adopting a baby?" Shonda asked. "Patrick and I." Ellen admitted. "That's awesome, you guys! How's it going?" SHe asked softly.

"Good. We only got in contact yesterday....but good so far. She said she'd be in contact with us." Patrick replied happily. "Good. If we can help let us know." Jesse said.


Ellen had a few scenes to film, but after that, she went home with Patrick. "Let's watch the sunset." Ellen suggested. "Okay. I'll make some dinner." Patrick replied.

Ellen nodded and went up to go change into pajamas. Today had gone well. Everyone seemed happy for them. And most importantly, Ellen was happy.

She was finally getting married to the man of her dreams, and she could finally have the opportunity to adopt a baby with him. She never dreamt of the whole husband/baby thing as a kid, but now, her dreams are coming true. Dreams that she never knew she had.

She came downstairs and wrapped her arms around Patrick's waist from behind. "You tired?" He asked, feeling her small body behind him.

"A little. The sunset is going to happen soon." Ellen whispered. "Good. Because dinner is ready, my dear." Patrick said in a funny voice.

Patrick brought their two dinner plates outside and sat down on the big chair. He sat down, and she sat in between his legs and curled into his chest.

The sun was already almost setting, and it was a gorgeous view to end a great day. "You." Ellen murmured. "What?" Patrick asked quietly in a confused tone.

"'re giving me everything I wanted." She admitted. "Oh, el. You're giving me everything I need too. Everything I've ever wanted." Patrick whispered back. "I love you." Ellen said.

"I love you too. So much."

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates, been very busy this week. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing welll. If you have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them.

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