Day 23 out of quarantine

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They arrived back in Malibu and everyone parted ways. The paparazzi were back in full swing, snapping pictures left and right of the sleep deprived cast. Ellen took off her ring as they both wanted to keep the engagement under wraps for a little while.

Patrick and Ellen got into the car and drove back home. They got home and quickly brought in the luggage before plopping themselves down on Ellen's bed.

"We should move in together now." Patrick said sleepily. "We already practically live togetehr." Ellen pointed out. "I know. But I want to live with you permanently. I'll sell my house." Patrick mumbled. "Let's get some sleep and talk more in the morning." Ellen said as she pressed her face against his chest.

Hours later, Patrick woke up first and smiled. His fiancée, curled in his arms. Fiancée. Ellen was going to be his wife. He was still on cloud 9, and felt like he was never coming down.

Ellen shifted slightly in his arms but then fell back asleep, head on his chest. Patrick ran his fingers over her hair back and forth, lulling her into sleep.

When she woke up again an hour later, Patrick wasn't in bed. She got up and went to the spot where she knew he'd be, on the balcony, sitting on the chair and looking over the water and the beach. "Good morning." She said with a sleepy smile as she plopped herself down on his lap.

"Morning." He replied as he kissed her head and held her close. "How did you sleep?" She asked. "Perfectly. You?" Patrick asked. "Really good." Ellen replied as she absentmindedly felt the ring on her finger and smiled.

"What do you want to do today?" Patrick asked. "Stay here and relax." Ellen replied. "Sounds good." He replied quietly. "I have to tell my brothers and sisters about the engagement today." Ellen said with a smile. "You should." Patrick encouraged.

Ellen took out her phone and decided to call all 5 of her siblings. "Hey Ellie, what's up?" Suzie asked through the phone. "Hey! Are you with everyone?" Ellen asked. "Yes. What's going on El?"  Kathleen asked in the background. "I just wanted to tell you guys that Patrick and I are engaged." She said with a happy smile.

"Really? Congratulations Ellie! But he better not hurt you." Maureen exclaimed. "Whos patrick?" Joey asked. "They've worked together for years. Remember Derek Shepherd?" Suzie asked. "Oh. him. If he hurts you I'll kick his ass." Joey said sternly. Patrick stifled a laugh and looked at Ellen. "He won't. Anyways I just wanted to tell you guys." Ellen said.

"Congratulations Ellie Bell. We love you." Dean said. "Thanks guys. Love you too." Ellen replied before hanging up the phone. "You have some protective siblings." Patrick said with an amused smile. "Comes with being the youngest." Ellen replied with a giggle.

"You miss your family, don't you?" Patrick asked. Ellen sighed. "Yeah." She admitted. "You know, when mom died, they all took care of me. Suzie was like my mom and my sister. They all watched me when my dad couldn't hold it together or he was busy. I want to be there for them too." Ellen explained.

"We can go take a trip down to Boston if you want." Patrick suggested. "You'd want to?" Ellen asked in surprise. "I love Boston, even though I've only been a  few times. It would be nice to meet your family and see where you grew up." Patrick replied. "And I can visit my parents too. I haven't talked to them In...a long time. But dad was buried next to her." Ellen said.

"Okay. Want to go sometime in the next few weeks?" Patrick asked. "Yeah! But we have to get tested first. I don't need to be bringing any covid to them. They're old." Ellen said seriously. Patrick chuckled lightly. "That's fine. Well just have to convince Shonda to give us a few days off again." Patrick said.

"Hopefully she will. I've worked for her for 17 years, she can give me a few days off." Ellen said with laugh. "That is true." Patrick said. They quietly watched the beach goers and the waves crash in a comfortable silence, enjoying the peacefulness.

After watching the scenery for a while, Ellen decided to make some lunch for the two of them. She made Patrick's favorite Italian meal, chicken cacciatore. Ellen was truly a very good cook, especially when it came to Italian food. "This is delicious el." Patrick complimented as he dug into his gourmet lunch.

"Thanks." She replied as she ate a bowl as well. For the rest for the day, they mainly just relaxed. Vacation was relaxing, but just doing nothing all day was nice. Flights were exhausting, and they were jet lagged. After lunch, they sat outside again and chatted for a while and just enjoyed each other's company.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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