Day 47 out of quarantine

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A few days later, Camilla decided to throw a party. Pretty much everyone had been vaccinated, and it's not like they're weren't seeing each other every day anyways.

"What time do we have to be there?" Ellen asked as she stripped her clothes. "I think it starts at 8." Patrick replied, enjoying the view as Ellen changed into a slim fit black sparkly dress, one that reminded him of the prom scene they filmed all those years ago.

Today was The anniversary of Ellen's moms death. Normally? She wouldn't go out and party. But she really needed a drink.

"Stop looking at me." Ellen said with a playful smile. "You look gorgeous." He said, zipping up the back of her dress and turning her around and holding her around the waist. "Are you okay?" He asked. Ellen nodded.

Patrick kissed her softly and smiled. "Now you go get dressed." Ellen said. Patrick nodded and went to the bathroom.


After the two of them changed, they went downstairs and left the house.

"You made it!" Camilla said happily as they entered the large house, filled with noise. "Hey!" Ellen replied, hugging her quickly.

"Who's here?" Ellen asked. "The question is who's not here." Camilla smirked, leading them further into the house.

"Ellen, Patrick!" Jesse exclaimed. "Hey!" Patrick said with a smile. "Drink up." He said, handing both of them Chardonnay glasses.

"Ellen, over here!" Chandra yelled. Ellen looked at Patrick. "Go. I'm gonna go talk to Jesse and everyone." Patrick said, Giving her a quick kiss and watching her run off.


"Ellen, drink up. We're getting wasted tonighttttttt." Chandra slurred. "I think you already are." She said with a smile.

"How's the wedding planning going?" Shonda asked. "Good. We haven't got much further then the other day." Ellen admitted, finishing her glass and grabbing another.


"Patrick, get some drinks." Jesse said. "Nah. I have a feeling Ellen is going to have a good time tonight and I'm going to be her chauffeur." Patrick said with a laugh.

"You know what day it is?" TR asked. "Yeah. I don't blame her." Patrick replied. "I remember In the trailer every time it was the anniversary of her death, she and I would have some drinks in the trailer. Like a little toast or soemtning." He said.

"It must be hard." TR said. . "Hey fellas, how you doing?" Matt, camillas husband asked as he came over.

"Good. This party is cool as hell." Jesse replied. "Camilla used to throw huge parties in high school. She did it all." Matthew said honeslty.

"Once a party girl always a party girl." TR said with a laugh.


Patrick made his way to Ellen at one point, and it was safe to say that she was having a really good time. "Did I ever tell you how hot you look In a suit? Cause you do." Ellen slurred.

"Thanks el." Patrick said as she stumbled, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her. Ellen turned in his arms and pressed her lips hotly against his.

"Ellen-" Patrick said, pulling away. "Whyyyyy?" Ellen whined, rubbing her hands up and down his chest. "Because your drunk. And we aren't even home." He replied.

"Let's go home then." Ellen slurred. "You want to?" Patrick asked. Ellen nodded. "Okay." He replied.


They said goodbye to everyone before Ellen stumbled out, Patrick right by her side. He helped her get into the car and then drove home.

Patrick helped her into the house and Ellen was insistent on going to the bedroom.

The minute they walked in, Ellen's lips were on his in an instant. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too." Patrick replied, zipping her dress off.


After a little while, Ellen and Patrick both collapsed in bed. "Are you sure you're okay? I know today must've been hard." Patrick asked quietly, holding her in his arms.

"I miss her." Ellen admitted sleepily. "Each year, you
Think it's going to be easier, but it's not. It still hurts just as much." She whispered.

"I'm sorry, el." Patrick replied. "I know I'll have a big hangover in the morning, but alcohol helps." Ellen said with a giggle. There was no doubt that she would have a massive hangover in the morning, and she knew it.

"And sometimes that's okay." Patrick replied. "You know what my favorite thing was about my mom?" She slurred. "What was it?" He asked, rubbing her back soothingly.

"She always loved me. Lovvvvvved me. Maybe cause I was the baby. Patrick!" Ellen gasped. "Yeah?" Patrick replied with a smile. "I think I was a mistake. You know, my siblings are all at least 8 years older than. I was a mistake."

"Not a mistake. You were just an oops baby." Patrick replied with a smile. "You know what?" She asked. "What?"

"We should go to maine. Visit your family." Ellen said, half asleep on his chest. "Okay. We can do that sometime." Patrick answered.

"Okay. I loveeeeee you." Ellen said, her eyes fluttering shut. "I love you too Ellie. Get some sleep." He whispered.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them. Sorry for the semi short chapter.

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