Day 17 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick woke up early at 8 and went to set. They didn't know why they were getting called there because it was a Sunday and they didn't usually work then, but they went in regardless.

"Ah, Patrick, Ellen. Perfect, everyone's here!" Shonda exclaimed as they walked up to what used to be the table read room with their masks on. "What's going on?" Ellen asked with a yawn. "She pulled everyone out of bed, so we have no idea." Jesse said with a light chuckle.

"Oh, hush. Anyways, I called you all here this morning because I have a surprise for all of you." Shonda started. "In honor of 17 seasons of Greys and almost 370 episodes, I booked us an all inclusive flight to the Bahamas. It's covid safe there, and it's at a resort. I've sorted out the payments for you all to bring your families." Shonda announced. "A vacation?" Camilla asked happily. Shonda nodded. "I need that!" She exclaimed.

"If anyone doesn't want to come due to Covid, then I completely understand. But if you do want to come and the reason I told you guys early today, was because our flight is going to be at 10tonight." Shonda said. "Anyone who's coming, please fill out this sheet." Krista said as she held up a clipboard.

"We're going, right?" Ellen asked. Patrick smiled. "Of course. Let's sign and then go pack." He replied as he pressed a kiss to her lips. They walked over and waited in line. Everyone was going. Literally everyone. "See you guys at the airport!! I'll text you information soon." Shonda said happily.

Patrick and Ellen signed themselves up and then drove back home to pack. "Shonda sent out a text. 'Reservations are Monday to Friday. Flight home is Saturday morning. Let me know if you have any questions'" Patrick read from his phone as they went to walk to their house. "Let's pack. I'll text you when I'm done." Ellen said as she kissed him softly and went into her house.

They both packed their suitcases and carryons until they were full. Ellen overpacked as usual, but managed to fit everything in. They met back up together at Ellen's house at 10 this time. "You packed?" Patrick asked. She nodded. "I'll take your bag. You want to drive with me or by yourself?" He asked. "You." Ellen said as if it was obvious. Patrick chuckled and grabbed her heavy bag and brouhjt it to his car.

"Have yoy ever been to the Bahamas before?" Patrick asked curiously. Ellen smiled. "Yeah, when I was 3 I think. That was the last vacation we went on before..." Ellen trailed off. "Before what El?" Patrick asked. "Before my mom died." She said as she looked away.

Patrick sighed and pulled her closer. He knew that talking about her mom was always really hard for her. "I miss her. And I know it was all those years ago but I do." Ellen admitted. "That's okay, el." Patrick said softly. "And I miss my dad." She said. "I know." He replied sadly as he held her tight against her tight. It broke his heart to know how hard her childhood must've been without having a mother.

"What was she like?" Patrick asked softly, hoping to get some happy memories out of her. Ellen smiled. "She was always happy. And she cared so much about all of us." Ellen replied with a soft smile. "I was definitely a mistake, but she loved me more than anything. And we had this thing we did, where she'd pretend not to see me and I'd sneak up and jump on her." She continued. Patrick smiled and thought of a little baby Ellen running around.

"She was a good mom." Ellen whispered. "And on our Bahamas trip, she was so happy." Ellen said. "Wait, we put a lock on a fence somewhere down there, can we see it?" She asked hopefully. "Of course El." Patrick replied.

They relaxed for the rest of the day until it was time to go to the airport around 8. They got into Patrick's car and drove off.

"Hey guys!" Shonda greeted as Patrick and Ellen found them in the airport. "Hey." They both replied. "You guys ready? We're just waiting on Caterina and her family." Shonda asked. "Yup, we're good." Ellen replied with a smile as Catarina and her family arrived.

They went though checking and security with no problem. Once they got to the terminal, Ellen was tired. They waited for their flight to get called while she slept softly on Patrick's shoulder. "Anyone ever been to the Bahamas?" Krista asked out of curiosity. "Ellen has." Patrick said quietly. "When?" She asked. "As a kid." He replied.

"Flight 34C heading to Nassau, Bahamas, please board now." The lady on the intercom said. Patrick gently shook Ellen awake and they all followed one another to the plane. They boarded and took their seats, all right around the same area. They had to wear masks the whole time, which sucked.

As the plane engine roared the life, Ellen grasped on to Patrick's hand tightly. "Ellen?" Jesse asked from across the row in slight concern. "She doesn't like taking off." Patrick replied as he rubbed her back soothingly.

"Thank you." Ellen said sheepishly as she released her iron grip on his hand and relaxed. Patrick just smiled and kissed her forehead. Ellen yawned sleepily. "Get some sleep. We have a long ride." Patrick said softly. Ellen nodded and put her head on his shoulder. Patrick gently cupped the free side of her head and held it close to his shoulder.

"Love you." Ellen mumbled sleepily. "I love you too." He replied as he draped a blanket over the two of them and closed his own eyes.

Next stop, the Bahamas.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any ideas feel free to drop them. Hope your all doing well and taking care of yourselves!

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