Day 6 of quarantine

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On day 6 of quarantine, some of the cast started feeling sick. Not bad sick, but they felt tired and stuffy.

Shonda sent out a message to the groupchat after finding out some people felt bad. "One of us probably had Covid coming in here, and had a false test. It's probably spread to all of us now. If you don't feel sick tell me please." Shonda said. Everyone except a few crew members said they felt sick. "Since the majority of people feel sick, I think that anyone who doesn't feel sick has to stay in their rooms. Or you can come out and risk it if you chose. Everyone can come out if you feel comfortable enough." Shonda sent.

Patrick and the most people came out into the living room, and none of them felt very good. "Where's Ellen?" Camilla asked. "I don't know. Probably sleeping." Jesse replied as Ellen came down looking dishelvled.

Ellen was holding what looked like a nebulizer and plugged it into the wall of the kitchen. Her friends all stood up and came into the kitchen. Ellen put the medicine in and stuck the tube in her mouth and breathed the medicine. "You okay?" Shonda asked with concern. Ellen have a thumbs up. With her asthma, when she got sick it was usually pretty bad. But with covid, it definetely was worse. She had a feeling she'd have to use the nebulizer a lot.

Patrick came over and looked at her Concerned. He went to her side and rubbed her back gently. She leaned into his side and closed her eyes. Patrick studied her face. It was pale, flushed, and she had bags under her eyes. She must not of slept well he thought.

"Whats wrong with her?" Eric asked worriedly as he came into the room. "Asthma. Not feeling well." Patrick offered. Eric nodded and poured himself a cup of coffee.

When Ellen was finished with her treatment, she put the nebulizer away and grabbed some coffee. "How you feeling el?" Krista asked. "Like crap." Ellen said, her voice raspy. There was something about sick Ellen that made Patrick want to coddle her all day. She seemed so vulnerable and little. He kissed the side of her head. "I don't see us doing much today." Kelly said. "Nope. It's raining today anyways. We can just relax today." Krista said. "Let's move to the couch." Patrick suggested as Ellen was practically falling asleep on him. Ellen took a shaky breath before getting up and leaning on Patrick to get to the couch.

They all scattered around on the large couch and sat down. Patrick had Ellen all wrapped up in his arms though. She was sitting in between his legs and leaning back against his chest, his arms around her abdomen and a blanket over the two. Ellen let out a hacking cough and Patrick soothed her as she groaned in discomfort. "This.." Ellen paused to sniffle. "Sucks." She finished. Patrick chuckled softly and kissed her hair.

They put on an old movie and watched it. At one point, Ellen turned in Patrick's arms and wrapped her arms around his torso. She had her head on his chest and she closed her eyes. Patrick pulled the blanket up more and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. When Ellen was sick, you could totally tell with her breathing, especially when she slept because it was very muffled and deep.

"Patrick." Shonda whispered. He looked over at her and smiled when he saw the ohone. "Smile." She instructed. He flashed his signature mcdreamy smile and held Ellen close. Shonda smiled at the picture and pulled her phone away and gave a thumbs up.

An hour or two later, the movie ended and Ellen woke up, shivering. "It's coldddd." She moaned. Patrick gently put the back of his hand on her forehead and pulled away. "That's because you have a fever." He said as he kissed her forehead. Ellen started wheezing again and knew she probably had to do another treatment. "Lets get you some more medicine." Patrick said. He helped her up and went back into the kitchen, where Giacomo was making pasta for lunch for everyone. 

Patrick sat down in a chair and lifted Ellen into his lap. He set up the nebulizer and handed it to Ellen. She put it in her mouth and leaned against Patrick's chest. She wasn't used to being coddled when she was sick. Her mom when she was young, and her dad had to work to support her and her siblings. But she liked it.

Patrick held her like a baby in his arms and he was content. Ellen was small, and he reallt did like to hold her. Back on set, he used to do it all the time after a long night of filming where they both crashed at the trailer.

"El, you want any pasta?" Giacomo asked. Ellen shook her head. "Patrick?" He asked. "Sure." Patrick replied. He poured some pasta into a bowl and slid it across the counter to Patrick. "You done?" Patrick asked softly to Ellen. She nodded. "Let's get back to the couch." He suggested. He effortlessly lifted Ellen in his arms and walked back the couch. He put her down and went back to the kitchen to give her some Advil. "Take these." He instructed as he handed her the pills and a bottle of water. Ellen complied and did so.

He sat down on the couch and Ellen scooted into his lap once again. She pulled a blanket over the two and sighed in contentment. "Patrick, How about we watch Bank Robber?" Eric suggested with a smirk. Ellen cracked a sleepy smile. "No." Patrick said with a smile. "Let's do it." Chandra said. Eric had the remote and found it. He paid the 3 dollars for the movie and then it came on. "Baby McDreamy!" Ellen said tiredly. Patrick's faced reddened slightly and he turned away. "Don't worry. You're cute." Ellen said as he moved his chin to face the TV.

For the rest of the night, they watched movies until they fell asleep on the couch. None of them even bothered to move to their bedrooms.

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