Day 107 out of quarantine

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Today was the day. The very big day. Ellen woke up, a smile plastered to her face and got out of bed. Patrick stayed at Eric's house, who was also in Malibu.

"I'm getting married!" She yelled happily as she ran into the kitchen, where Caterina, Camilla, Kelly, Shonda, Krista, and TR were all sitting.

"Your getting married!" They exclaimed, in the same enthusiasm. "To Patrick Dempsey! Patrick, fricking Dempsey!" Ellen said, smiling.

"Finally! Only took you 17 years." Camilla said. "Shut up." Ellen breathed as she went for coffee. "Decaf." Shonda said with a warm smile.

"We have to leave in an hour." Ellen said. "We don't need to do anything here. All the dresses and stylists are probably already there. So, we can leave do nothing for the next hour and then leave." Caterina replied.


After an hour, the girls are left. Ellen was practically shaking in her seat from excitement. "El, when are you adopting that baby?" Krista asked.

"Oh, that reminds me. They found a match. She's from Boston, named Jessie. She's just a baby. We should get her in about a week, actually after our honeymoon." Ellen replied.

"That's amazing!" Camilla exclaimed, smiling. Ellen smiled

They got to the place and went inside. It was a big room for the girls to get ready in, and a big room for the boys to get ready In. 

Ellen gawked at the place she would get married. It was right on the beach, actually the beach Winston and Maggie got married on. It looked different though, with a lot of different touches Ellen made.

"Let's go get ready." Kelly urged lightly. Ellen could not wipe the grin off of her mouth as she went inside. There were makeup tables everywhere, and thejr hair and makeup stylists from set were there to help them.

They exchanged greetings and went straight to getting ready.

The bridesmaids all changed into their dresses, and waited for Ellen to come out. "You look beautiful, Ellen." Shonda said softly as she saw Ellen in her dress.

"Thank you." Ellen replied, giddy.


Patrick woke up and went downstairs. Eric, Kevin, TR, Jesse, and Justin were all down there. "There's the man of!" Eric exclaimed.

Patrick laughed and sat down. "How are you feeling, buddy? Scared, nervous.." Jesse asked. "Excited. I'm excited." He replied.

"I remember my wedding day like it was yesterday. It was the best day of my life, hands down." TR announced. "I can't wait to be married to El." Patrick said softly.

"Congratulations. her somewhat best friend-brother like person, if you hurt her I will not hesitate to kick your ass." Jesse said sternly. "Point taken." Patrick said, smiling.

After hanging around for a little while, the men went to the building and went inside. "Hey guys! I'm Dylan and me and my buddies are gonna be doing hair and such. So, if you could all get dressed that would be great. Thank you." A man dressed in a casual outfit said.

The men changed into their suits and sat down for their hair to be styled. They didn't have much to do other than that, so they talked for a while while Patrick anxiously waited for the moment to come.


The guests took their seats on the beach and soon enough, the wedding song came on. Patrick stood at the top, waiting for Ellen to come down.

Ellen slowly made her way down the aisle, her brother Joey walking her down, arms linked together.

She got to the top and Joey gave her a supportive squeeze on the hand before leaving and taking his seat. Patrick smiled brightly at his beautiful fiancée.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered. Ellen blushed and smiled. "You do too." She replied softly.

"We are gathered here today to honor the marriage of Ellen Kathleen Pompeo and Patrick Galen Dempsey on this beautiful day on the beach." The priest began.

"Who would like to exchange vows first?" He asked. "I will." Ellen volunteered.

"Patrick, we met almost 18 years ago on set. From the moment I met you, did a screen test with you, I knew you were the one. Obviously, there were some things that prevented us from behind together, but none of that matters anymore. Now that we're here, we're getting married. And next week we're getting a baby. We've come so far, and I can't wait to be your wife and start a family with you." Ellen said, tearing up.

Patrick squeezed her hands and sniffled himself. "Ellen, you are the most gorgeous, and most brilliant woman I've ever met. Back in 2006, I was married. I wasn't happy. But saved me. You made me feel like there was hope. You made me happy. I hated 16 hour work days, but you made them manageable. You are the love of my life. I love you so much. Can I....can I kiss her now?" Patrick asked.

The crowd laughed slightly and the priest spoke up. "Would you like to exchange rings first?" He asked with a grin. The nodded.

Patrick slid the gorgeous diamond ring onto her finger and smiled. She did the same, and without asking, Patrick pressed his lips against hers passionately.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. And you may now kiss the bride." The priest said with a chuckle.

Patrick and Ellen walked down the aisle hand in hand, feeling happier than ever. They got into the limo, which drove them back to their house rhat was set up before for the reception.

"We're married." She whispered as they walked into their house, where half of the guests were already there. "We are. I can't wait to go on our honeymoon. Our first vacation as a married couple. I love you so much El." Patrick replied, kissing her once again and the guests clapped when they walked through.


That night, they partied for a while, until Ellen and Patrick had their own party in bed before they would leave for their honeymoon in the morning.

Finally, they were married.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. As always, if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop. Sorry if this chapter sucks, I don't usually do weddings lol. Stay tuned for honeymoon, and then the moment you've....well I at least have been waiting for....the adoption!! 

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