Day 12 out of quarantine

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"Pat, I have to go to work." Ellen said with a giggle. "But why?" Patrick asked sleepily as he held her in bed. "Because it's my job." Ellen said with laugh. Patrick reluctantly let go of her and she slipped out of her bed and changed quickly.

Ellen was getting ready in the bathroom when she got a text from Shonda. "Bring Patrick today. I have some things to discuss." Shonda sent. "Pat!" Ellen called. He stumbled into the bathroom behind her and smiled. "What's up?" He asked. "Shonda wants you to come to set today." She said.

"Why?" He asked in confusion as he brushed his teeth. "I domt know. She said she wanted to discuss some things." Ellen replied. "Okay." He replied as he kissed her head and went downstairs, Ellen right behind him.

Ellen quickly drank a protein shake and Patrick ate a banana and they left the house. "Are you coming with me? I'm on late tonight, ill probably sleep at the trailer." Ellen asked as she got into her car. "I'll keep you company." He said as he got into the passenger side.

They arrived at their normal set, not the beach, and hopped out of the car with their masks on. "Patrick, Ellen, come here!" Shonda called from her office as they entered the building. They walked in and took a seat.

"So, I wanted to discuss sometning with the both of you." Shonda started. "Patrick, if you want to, we would like you to come back full time." She said. Ellen and Patrick's eyes widened. "How?" He asked, intrigued. "Well, you know how Derek was working with the government? Well, we were thinking that since maybe he wanted to resign, that they faked his death and forced him to continue working for them." Shonda explained.

"That's...interesting." Patrick said. "Would you be interested? We're still working out the quirks but I talked to Krista and Debbie and they both like the idea." Shonda asked. Patrick looked at Ellen and smiled. "I- yeah. I'd be interested. I've missed this set more than anything." Patrick admitted with a chuckle.

"Great!! I'll talk to everyone about it and see about getting you a contract!" Shonda exclaimed as she shook his hand. "Thank you." He said gratefully before he and Ellen walked out.

"You're coming back!" Ellen exclaimed happily as she threw her arms around his neck. "I'm coming back." He repeated as he hugged her close. "I love you." He said quietly. "I love you too. Now I really have to go film. You know where my trailer is if you want to hang out there." Ellen replied.

"Okay, I'll be there. Go kick ass." He said as he kissed her one last time and walked to her trailer. Ellen chuckled to herself and walked to set. She quickly changed into her patient gown and walked to
Giacomo, who was directing this week. "Alright El, your just gonna be laying in bed like you just woke up after sleeping a week, and your still intubated, so your confused. Your scared." He said.

Ellen nodded and climbed into the bed. One of the set directors taped one of the tubes to her mouth to make it look like she was intubated. "Action!" Giacomo yelled. Ellen slowly opened her eyes and slowly looked across the room, as if she was looking for somebody to help. Ellen widened her eyes to show she was scared and she had a few tears fall out of her eyes.

"I'm here, Grey." Chandra said as she came over and pretended to check my chart.

They filmed multiple scenes after that that took up most of the day. When Ellen finally finished filming, it was around 10pm. She trudged her tired body back to her trailer and opened the door to the fresh aroma of spaghetti.

She smiled when she saw Patrick at the stove and walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Long day?" He asked. "So long." Ellen complained. "I made some spaghetti if you wsnt it." Patrick said. Ellen nodded and he handed her a plate.

They dug in. "How was your day?" She asked. "I told you not to stay here." She added. "It was good. I took a nap, I cooked this dinner, and I actually talked to some people  for a while." He replied. "S'good." Ellen said sleepily. Patrick chuckled and put his and her empty plates away in the sink and walked over to her and pulled her up off of the couch.

He guided her to the bed and tucked her in, him close behind her. "Get some sleep. It's been a long day." He said quietly. "Are you sure? We can just go home." Ellen mumbled. "You're already half asleep. We can stay here for the night." He replied. Ellen mumbled something half heartedly and was well on her way to sleep.

Patrick was replaying the day in his head. He got to come back to set and film with his girlfriend and friends  everyday now. He's wanted back on greys ever since he made the decision to leave. As he holds Ellen in his arms, it's like he has a new life. Like he started over again. He kissed her neck softly and closed his eyes, savoring the moment of a good day.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you have any ideas, feel free to drop them. To whoever requested this idea, thank you and I hope it lived up to your expectations. Hope your all doing well!'

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