Day 18 out of quarantine

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Almost 8 hours later, the greys cast had arrived in the Bahamas. Patrick had slept for a while but then woke up due to turbulence. Ellen on the other hand slept the whole time. "El, we're here." Patrick said quietly as she shook her shoulder.

Ellen's eyes shot opened and looked around tiredly. "We're here?" She asked. "We are." He said with a Smile as he kissed her softly. "That was quick." She mumbled with a smile.

They got off of the plane all togetehr and were bombarded by paparazzi in the airport. Someone must've tipped them off. "How are you guys!! How was the flight?" One of them yelled. Patrick held Ellen close to him as they walked through the busy airport.

They got their luggage and then walked outside into the warm bahama air. "It's so nice out!" Camilla exclaimed happily. "I'm so gonna get a tan." Ellen said with a large smile. Patrick chuckled. "Okay everyone. I got 2 vans for us, so we'll have to pile in." Shonda announced as they pulled up to the curb.

Patrick, Ellen, Shonda, and a bunch of others piled into one van, and the rest hopped into the other. "So you've been here before el?" Kevin McKidd asked. "Yeah, when I was a kid." Ellen replied with a smile. "How was it? Anything we should do?" Camilla asked as she sat next to her husband Matthew. They did not bring the kids and opted for a peaceful vacation on their own.

"Uh, the beach is nice obviously. When I went my family put a lock on a little bridge so I want to go there and see if I can find it." Ellen said. "We should do that together and maybe put a cast one on." Jesse suggested.

They arrived at the huge resort and got out of their vans. "This is gorgeous." Caterina said as she and her family came over from the other van. "Alright, check in is over here everyone." Shonda said as she began walking.

"How many?" The receptionist asked Ellen. "Uh, two please." She said with a smile. The lady nodded and started typing away. "This is totally unprofessional but can I get a picture with you?" She asked, seeming to ignore everyone else. Ellen giggled and nodded. Ellen stood next to the girl and looked at the camera. They didn't have to smile due to the masks.

Once they all got checked in, they went separate ways and got settled in to their rooms. They were all mainly on the same floor, so it was convenient. "This is gorgeous." Ellen gushed as she and Patrick walked into the room. They got a suite much to their surprise. "One bed." Patrick said with a wink.

Ellen walked over and pressed her lips softly against his. "I love you." She whispered as she rested her forehead against his. "I love you too." He said softly as he hugged her tightly. He knew it must be weird and hard to be in a place she once was with her whole family.

After they changed into some proper Bahamas attire, they all decided to go for a walk on the beach. It was around 2 when they went. Some of them just relaxed in their room for a little while.

Patrick held Ellen's hand as they walked across the beach with everyone. It was quiet, and so peaceful aside from the paparazzi. They all walked scattered across the beach, everyone's kids running out in front of them and yelling happily.

"Group picture everyone!" Shonda called, causing everyone to halt and run back over. One of the camera guys who came brough his camera and tripod and set it up.

They all got into line, and smiled as big they could. The camera took a few pictures, capturing the moment. At one point, Patrick dipped Ellen back and kissed her passionately.

For the next hour, they walked along the beach, chatting and enjoying their time together. Once they got back to the hotel, they all changed into nicer outfits. Ellen put on a nice v neck blouse with black dress pants and heels, and Patrick put on a nice collared shirt and black dress pants. "You look gorgeous." Patrick said as he came up from behind her and wrapped his arms around her midsection as she did her makeup.

"Thanks Patty. You look handsome." She replied with a giggle as she finished her makeup and turned in his arms, kissing him softly.

They left the resort and went to a nearby fancy rooftop dining restaurant. Shonda had booked the whole roof for all of them to fit. The sun was setting now, and it was a gorgeous view of the ocean.

Patrick and Ellen took the seats closest to the glasses in railing along the long table with everyone. Patrick watched in adoration as Ellen watched the water and the sunset. She was truly beautiful. From a distance, Camilla didn't fail to notice Patrick's longing gaze and smiled, happy that her closest friend had found love once again.

They ordered their meals and talked about a lot of things, like Greys, families, and other things. At the end of the night, it was around 10. They all drove back to the resort and parted ways, the jet lag finally settling in for everyone. Patrick and Ellen went into their room and changed into pajamas and got ready for bed. "I love you." Ellen said sleepily into his chest. She slung an arm over his waist and buried her head into the crook of his neck. "I love you too el. Goodnight." He said softly as he kissed her head.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them. Exciting chapters to come!! Hope your all doing well!

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