Day 13 of quarantine

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The next morning Ellen woke up feeling like she was going to die. She couldn't even move without feeling like she was going to pass out. She texted Patrick and he came into her room quickly.

"El." He said as he saw her pale, shaky figure in bed. She was breathing heavily and looked as if she was going to pass out any minute. Patrick sat down next to her and quickly texted Shonda to come up.

"She needs to go to the hospital." Shonda said. Patrick nodded and helped Ellen up. She couldn't even stand by herself. He ended up lifting her into his arms and she curled into his chest. Shonda wrapped a blanket tightly around her and they went downstairs.

"We're taking her to the hospital." Patrick announced. "Is she okay?" Camilla asked, concerned. "I domt know." Patrick admitted. "Let's go." Shonda said as she opened the door. "I'm coming too." Linda Klein said as she walked out. Patrick went last and carried her out to the car. He got in the backseat and held her close as Shonda drove. They all had masks on.

Ellen shivered and moaned miserably and tried to get closer to Patrick. She inhaled shakily and whimpered. It broke Patrick's heart to see Ellen in this much discomfort. "I'll call them to let them know we're coming and her status." Linda said as she took out her phone.

Once they arrived at the hospital a hospital worker came and put Ellen into a wheelchair with the assist of Patrick. As he started to follow behind them, the doctor stopped him. "You can't come with us sir." She said. Patrick sighed and squeezed Ellen's hand once more before going back to the car.

In the hospital, Ellen was brought to a room and she was hooked up to IVs and an oxygen mask. She was minimally conscious throughout the whole thing. "Maam? Can you hear me?" The doctor asked. Ellen nodded. "How do you feel?" She asked. "Crappy." Ellen said. This isn't how she wanted things to go. She never thought she would have gotten covid.

After the doc left, her phone started ringing from the side table. "El!" Patrick exclaimed as his face appeared on the phone. "Hi." Ellen said, sounding muffled due to the mask. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm good." Ellen replied as she pulled off her oxygen mask slightly. "Ms Pompeo, keep the mask on." A nurse said from outside. Ellen complied and put it back on.

"How you feeling?" Chandra asked. "Tired." Ellen replied. "Get some sleep. Can we talk to your doctor?" Linda asked. Ellen nodded and pressed the call button. "My friends and boyfriend want to talk to you." Ellen said. That was the first time she referred to Patrick as her boyfriend, and everyone seemed to pick up on that.

Ellen went back to sleep while Doctor Sheehan talked on the phone.

"Why is she getting sick while our co stars arent?" Patrick asked. "I'm thinking that because of her asthma and how small she is, her immune system is probably weaker than others and she probably just has a hard time fighting off infections and what not. I'll bet she was sick a lot as a kid." Dr Sheehan replied. "How long does she have to stay?" Shonda asked. "Probably at least a week if her vitals improve. I also strongly strongly urge you all to stay quarantined at least another week." She said.

Shonda nodded. "You heard the man." She said to everyone. They all nodded. "So she's gonna be okay, right?" Patrick asked. He was seriously worried. He just got her back, he couldn't lose her again. "Covid is unpredictable, but right now she seems to be doing okay." The doctor said. Patrick nodded.

After the doctor ended the phone call, an hour later ellen woke up again. She looked around and saw nobody. Not a doctor, not anyone. She shivered and pulled the blanket up closer to her chin.

"Ms pompeo? I'm nurse Kayla, and I'll be helping you out today." She said as she came in. "Hi." Ellen said. "Hi." Kayla replied, giddy. Kayla obviously knew who she was. After she took some blood and adjusted some things, before leaving she did something. "This is gonna sound so unprofessional, but can I take a picture with you? I love you so much." She said hopeful. "Sure." Ellen said with a chuckle. Ellen loved getting pictures with fans.

The young nurse took a picture. "Are you and Patrick together? I don't mean to pry but I love you guys so much." She asked. Ellen nodded. "Oh my god. I love you so much. So much. I'd hug you if I could." Kayla exclaimed happily. "We love you too." Ellen said.

Back at the house, Patrick was pacing around nervously, and his friends were trying to comfort him. "Pat, she's gonna be fine." Jesse said. "What if she's not?" He asked. "I can't lose her again." He said sadly. "You won't." Kelly assured. Patrick nodded.

"Remember that time we snuck up on Ellen and she was dancing around in her bra and pajama pants?" Camilla asked, trying to lighten the mood. "And then Patrick, you went inside the trailer and started dancing with her." Shonda said with a laugh. Patrick nodded. "I love her." He said. "I'm gonna marry her one day." Patrick said with a warm smile spreading across his face.

"We've been waiting for that since day 1." TR said. Patrick smiled. "She's perfect." He said. "I waited too long." He admitted. "But now you have her." Kim pointed out. Patrick pulled out his phone and texted her. 'I love you.' He wrote and he instantly got a text back. 'I love you too.' She wrote back. He smiled.

Hey guys!!
Hope you guys enjoyed the update!! ❤️

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