Day 3 of quarantine

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On day 3 of her quarantine, Ellen got really bad news. So bad she wouldn't come out of her room and she wouldn't talk to anyone. And everyone was really worried.

Ellen answered her phone. "Hello?" She asked. "Hey Ellie. It's Suzie, your sister." The voice said. "Suzie? What's going on?" Ellen asked. "It's dad." Suzie said, her voice breaking. "What's wrong?" Ellen asked calmly. "He-he has covid. And he's not doing well at all." Suzie said. Ellen's heart broke and tears welled in her eyes. "What's the prognosis?" She asked. "Not good. He didn't want to be intubated, so we're taking him off of any meds. It won't be long." Suzie said. Ellen cried softly and snuggled. "Can we facetime?" Suzie asked quietly. "Are you there with him?" Ellen asked. "No, but all of our siblings are on Skype. The doctor thinks it's time." She said. Ellen sighed. "Okay." Ellen said.

She answered the Skype call and smiled when she saw all 5 of her older siblings and her father, who was conscious at the time. "Ellie." Her father whispered. "Hey dad." Ellen whispered back. "I guys so much. so proud of each of you, and I know mom is too." He said. Ellen had tears rolling down her face and looked at her father, who's eyes were closed now. "Dad?" Kathleen, her other sister asked. They now knew that he was gone when the heart rate monitor flatlined. The doctor came into view and picked the iPad up. "I'm so sorry for your loss everyone. He wanted to be cremated, right?" The doctor asked. Joe, one of her brothers, said yes. "Okay. We will have the ashes shipped. So sorry for your loss." The doctor said before he hung up the phone.

Ellen ended the Skype call and cried into her pillow, and that's what she did up until kmow.

End of flashback

"El?" Patrick asked as he knocked on her door. No answer. "Ellen?" He asked again. No answer. He was starting to get really worried at this moment, so he opened the door and his heart broke when he saw Ellen laying on the bed crying. He knelt down next to her and brushed the hair from her face. "What's wrong el? What happened?" He asked softly. "Patty." She cried. Patrick climbed on the bed behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her face into his chest and cried. Patrick had no idea why. "Ellen? Can you tell me what's wrong honey?" Patrick asked. 'Honey. That's a new one.' He thought to himself. "M-my dad." She stammered. "What about your dad el?" He asked. "Died." She said as she burst into tears again. Patrick's heart broke into more pieces.

When she calmed down a little, Patrick started getting details. "When?" He asked gently. "Like an hour ago." Ellen replied hoarsely. "How?" He asked. "Covid. My siblings called me and we said goodbye." SHe said, her voice cracking. Patrick cradled her head to his chest and held her tight. She fell asleep in his arms and Patrick slid out from the bed and quietly left the room to go inform others about what happened.

"Patrick. I heard crying. What happened?" Shonda asked. He swallowed. "El's dad just passed." I said quietly. "What?" Everyone exclaimed sadly. "How?" TR asked. "Covid." Patrick said. "Damnit. That's horrible. How is she?" Camilla asked. "She just cried herself to sleep, I was with her." I explained. "That's horrible. Tell her to take all the time she needs." Krista said. "I will." Patrick said. Everyone hung out and relaxed for a while.

Ellen woke up feeling thirsty and hungry. Knowing she'd have to face everyone soon enough, she left her room and went to the kitchen where everyone else was. "El." Patrick said as he walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. I put my head on his chest and Inhaled his manly scent. "We're so sorry Ellen." Shonda said. "Thank you." She replied softly as hugs were given all around. "Let us know if you need anything. And I know we can't leave, but if you need to talk or anything, we're here." Camilla said. "Thanks." Ellen said with a small smile as she attempted to reach the cabinet, but failed. Patrick came up behind her and opened it, grabbing the captain crunch that he knew she'd want. "You know me so well." Ellen said with a smile. "I do." Patrick replied, His eyes twinkling.

When Ellen finished eating, everyone sat down on the couch and they just chatted and watched movies. "Patty?" Ellen asked from her position under his arm. "Yeah El?" Patrick asked softly. "I miss him." She said quietly. "That's okay El. I miss my mom too." He replied. "Both of my parents are dead." She said softly. "I'm sorry El." He said. Patric couldn't relate. Even though he lost his mom a few years ago, his father was still alive and doing well. Ellen snuggled back into Patrick's embrace and he leant down and gently kissed her head. Everyone around them watched the pair interact, and the girls all swooned over how attentive and loving Patrick was to Ellen.

"Hey Ellen? How about we watch the pilot of Grey? Will that cheer you up?" Shonda asked with a smile. Ellen smiled and nodded. Shonda queued it up on Netflix and pressed play. "We were so young!" Ellen exclaimed. "Look at baby Patrick!" Ellen said. Patrick smiled and blushed. "Well what about baby El?" Patrick retorted as they watch the elevator scene, which happened to be their first kiss. "Hey!!! There I am!!" TR said happily. "Ewww it's Isaiah." He said 2 seconds later. Everyone laughed at that and smiled.

Shonda attempt to cheer Ellen up definetely worked. They spent the rest of the night watching old greys episodes until it was time for bed. "Patrick?" Ellen asked as they walked to their rooms. "Yeah?" He asked sleepily. "Can you stay with me tonight?" She asked timidly. Patrick smiled. "Sure El." He replied.

The both went into Ellen's room and got ready for bed. Patrick climbed in bed first, and Ellen followed. She rested her head on his chest and draped an arm across his abdomen. "Goodnight Ellie." He murmered. "Goodnight Patty." She replied.

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