Day 12 of quarantine

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When Ellen woke up this morning, she didn't feel too well. She was dizzy, and she felt light headed.

She slowly made her way downstairs, grabbing on to the railing for support. She got to the living as she has for the past week and a half, she curled up onto the couch next to Patrick. "What happened?" Patrick asked worriedly.

Ellen moaned in discomfort and Patrick wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You feel sick again?" He asked. She nodded. Patrick shot a concerned look to everyone else and turned his attention back to Ellen.

He lightly placed the back of his hand against her forehead. "You definitely have a fever again." He sighed. She whimpered miserably and tried to get even closer to Patrick. As a kid, she wasn't coddled much due to her mother passing when she was young, but she liked when she was. It comforted her.

"I'll get some Tylenol." Shonda said as she stood up and walked to the kitchen. "What hurts?" Patrick asked. "Head." Ellen mumbled as Shonda handed Patrick the pills. "Take these." Patrick instructed. Ellen weakly lifted her head off of his chest and swallowed the pills dry, then returning her head back to his chest.

Ellen shivered and Patrick noticed right away. He grabbed a blanket and pulled it over her small body, which was curled under his arm. "So I guess this determines what we'll be doing all day." Jesse said as he referred to everyone laying on the couch. "Probably. I doubt el's up for doing anything and I also doubt that Patrick will leave her side for more than 2 minutes." Camilla said with a laugh.

Patrick nodded. He was getting worried about Ellen. He remembered she used to get sick on the show all the time, but covid is serious.

"El, you wsnt anything to eat?" Patrick asked. Ellen shook her head, feeling too crappy to talk. "Well drink some water please." He said as he handed her a cup with a straw. She opened her mouth and took
Slow sips of water.

Ellen sat up next to Patrick and rested her head on his shoulder this time. "Anyone want to watch a movie or play Xbox?" Giacomo suggested. "Let's play 2k. I'll kick your ass." Jesse challenged with a smirk. Giacomo turned on the tv and Xbox and handed Jesse a controller.

Ellen soon ended up falling asleep in Patrick's arms. "Poor el." Chandra said quietly. "Remember how she used to get sick on set a lot?" Krista asked. Everyone nodded. "She'll be alright. And if not we probably should take her to the hospital. Everyone else is feeling okay, right?" Shonda asked. "Yup." Everyone said. "Good." She replied.

"We also need to make sure she eats enough. There's been a lot of cases where people have lost 20 or more pounds. Ellen doesn't have 20 or more pounds to lose." Linda Klein informed. "I'll make something light. Oatmeal or something." Kelly said as she stood up and went to the kitchen.

An hour later, Ellen woke up again. "How do you feel El?" Patrick asked as he kissed her forehead. "Crappy." Ellen said as she sat up. "Where you going?" He asked. "Bathroom. I'm gonna piss myself." Ellen said, letting her Boston accent slip through, the accent that made Patrick fall in love all those years ago. "Bostonians." Patrick chuckled as he watched her walk away.

A few minutes later, Ellen came back and sat down next to Patrick. "El, I made some oatmeal for you to eat." Kelly said as she sat back down. "Thanks." Ellen said graciously as she dug in.

"Hey, look who's calling!" Ellen said as her phone lit up. "Hi Justin!" She exclaimed as his face popped into the screen. "Hey guys, how are you feeling?" He asked. "Okay." Patrick replied. "Dempsey, I saw you and Ellen were talking again. It's about damn time." Justin joked. "Anyways I was just calling to check in. You're all doing okay?" He asked.

"We're okay. We should be getting out of here in a few days, but Ellen hasn't been feeling so hot." Shonda replied. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." Ellen replied with a sniffle.

A half an hour later, Justin hung up and the crew was back to doing nothing. Ellen had taken her nebulizer a few times now, and she was still resting with Patrick. "Maybe the jacuzzi will make you feel better?" Patrick suggested. Ellen nodded. "Anyone else?" He asked. "Sure." They replied.

They all quickly changed into their bathing suits, Ellen in a red bikini and Patrick in black shorts and they went outside. It was raining, so it was a little chilly.

They got into the hottub and Ellen sighed in relief. Her limbs were aching and the hot water was definitely helping. Not to mention she was sitting on Patricks lap and he was massaging her back and shoulders.

"El, what about you?" Giacomo asked, snapping Ellen out of her trance. "Sorry, what?" She asked. "What was your childhood like?" He asked with a chuckle. "I was the youngest out of 5 siblings raised in Boston." Ellen replied with a chuckle. "What's Boston like? I've never been." Giacomo asked. "It's awesome. Boston is the best city. No one can tell me different." Ellen said firmly.

"When I was a kid, my siblings and my dad used to go to the North End all the time and walk around." Ellen explained. Patrick loved how excited she got when she talked about Boston. It was her home, it was what made her her.

"What about your mom?" Giacomo asked. He didn't know much about Ellen. "My mom died when I was 4." Ellen replied. He gasped. "How?" Giacomo asked. "What was your family like?" Ellen asked, changing the subject. She never liked talking about her mom. After that question was over, everyone got out of the hot tub and went to shower and change.

Ellen and Patrick, of course, showered together, and Patrick pampered her. He knew they weren't going to have sex, and he was completely fine with that. He washed her body and her hair, and then when he washed himself, they stepped out of the shower and changed into comfortable clothes. "You going back downstaids?" Patrick asked. "No. I'm tired." Ellen said sleepily. "Sleep well." He said as he kissed her. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." He replied as she went into her bedroom.

This is a filler, but I hope you enjoyed it! I have a few ideas for the next couple chapters!! And I brought up Boston a lot for some reason, maybe because I'm from around there lol...anyways, hope you guys are all doing well ❤️

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