Day 15 out of quarantine

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A few days later, Ellen and Patrick were asked to do a photo shoot for people magazine. People magazine asked due to their upcoming popularity due to the show and due to their relationship.

After staying the night at their own places, they joined together in the morning at Patrick's place. "Morning." He said as he kissed her softly, ignoring the paparazzi that never left them alone. "Morning." She replied with a smile.

They got into Patrick's Porsche and began the drive to their photo shoot set. "Sleep well last night?" Patrick asked with a smile as he placed his hand on her thigh. "Pretty good. Did you?" Ellen asked. "I was lonely." Patrick said with a sheepish grin, causing Ellen to giggle.

They got to the set around 20 minutes later and walked inside. The set was a very modern house, much like the one Ellen and Patrick did all those years ago. "Ellen, Patrick, nice to see you guys!" The photographer, Dave said as he approached them. "Nice to see you too." They both replied. "Let's get started then and change, shall we?" He asked. They nodded. He handed Patrick a blue button up and some dark Wash jeans, and Ellen a pair of dark wash jeans and a white blouse.

"Okay, both of you can take your masks off and stand up in front of the foyer. Patrick, stand behind her and wrap your arms around her torso." Dave instructed. They got into place and Patrick wrapped his arms around her midsection, his hands resting above her belly button. "Now Ellen, put your hands on his. We're going to take a few, so smile, laugh, have fun." Dave said.

He started taking the pictures and Patrick discreetly tickled Ellen's stomach, causing her to laugh. "This is like the same photo shoot we did for TV guide all those years ago." He whispered. "It is." She agreed with a smile.

"Alright next pose. Patrick, sit on the couch please, and Ellen sit in between his legs please. Take this book and pretend that your just lounging on the couch after a long day." Dave said. Ellen took the book and got into position.

Ellen leaned back into his chest and looked up. Patrick smiled and kissed her softly. "That wasn't supposed to happen but I love it!! Feel free to improvise anytime." Dave said with a laugh.

"Alright, a few more poses and we'll be on our way. Right over here." He said as he walked over outside. "Patrick, face out there." Dave said. "Now Ellen, stand in front of him, but look my way. I want you two to hold each other. Ellen, just looked my way and smile. I wanna see those gorgeous blue eyes." Dave said.

Patrick wrapped his arms around her while admiring the busy Malibu streets. Ellen put her arms around his waist and looked into the camera. She smiled softly and smelt Patrick's woodsy scent. "Good, good. Now let's switch spots and do the same." Dave said. They turned around and reversed roles.

"Two more pose." Dave said. "Ellen, I want you to get on his back. Then we're just gonna snap a few photos." He said. "Hop on." Patrick said with a chuckle. "Are you sure?" Ellen asked. "Your the tiniest thing ever. Come on." Patrick replied. Ellen jumped on his back and Patrick held her securely.

"Perfect, perfect!" Dave exclaimed. Patrick gently put Ellen down and smiled. "Last one. Patrick, kiss Ellen like you would on your wedding day." Dave instructed. Patrick and Ellen's eyes widened at the word wedding. "Ready!" Dave yelled. Patrick put his hands on her waist and one on her back and kissed her hard. Ellen bent her back a little bit due to the force of the kiss and smiled against his lips.

"Amazing!" Dave called. They pulled away flustered and she blushed. "Alright. Great job you two. Go change. It was nice to see you all again." Dave said with a warm smile. Patrick and Ellen made their way to the changing rooms and quickly put their mask and clothes back on.

"That was fun." Patrick said as they walked out. "It was." Ellen replied. "I could kiss you like that all day." He said shyly. "Me too Pat." She replied softly as they got into the car. She grabbed his hand across the console and he drove off back home.

Once they arrived, they went to Patrick's house and sat down on the couch. He put on a tv show he knew Ellen loved and they cuddled. "I'm gonna marry you one day." Patrick whispered. Ellen was surprised for a moment before smiling. "I can't wait." She replied as she turned around and pressed her lips eagerly against his. Patrick lifted her up and carried her to the bedroom, before showing her just how much he really loved her.

When they both finished, they collapsed in the bed. Ellen rested her head on his chest, panting heavily. "I love you so much Ells." Patrick said softly as he pressed a kiss to her head. "I love you too Patty. I missed you." She replied. "You'll never have to miss me again. I'll be with you forever now." He whispered. "Me too." She whispered back.

Forever and always.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for the next, feel free to drop them!! Hope your all doing well!

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