Day 49 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick both woke up around 9. "How are we going to do this?" Ellen asked sleepily, cuddling into his side.

"We can start by looking online. There's a few agencies that we can call and do some research on and maybe get in contact with." Patrick explained.

Ellen nodded and grabbed her laptop from the side table and typed in adoption agencies. "What about this one?" Patrick asked, pointing to a website.

"Best adoption center in LA. 'A child's Dream.'" Ellen read, clicking on the link. The website was easy to use, and it had very good reviews.

Ellen clicked on a tab that said 'find your agent.' "Now we just call one of these numbers?" She asked. "I think so." Patrick replied, grabbing his phone.

Ellen read the number to him and he dialed it. "Hi, this is Janet from A Child's Dream, how can I help you?" A peppy voice said through the phone. Janet. That's ironic.

"Hi, my name is Patrick and my fiancée and I are looking to adopt a kid." He said. "Okay, well first of all we need some information." Janet said.

"Can I have your full names and date of birth?" She asked. "Patrick Dempsey, January 13, 1966." Patrick said. "Ellen Pompeo, November 10, 1969." Ellen stated.

Janet knew who the two were, and made sure to note down that they were celebrities. "Okay. I have to let you know that to legally adopt we have to see an official marriage license." She said.

"We're getting married in May. So two months." Ellen replied. "Okay, that works out well." Janet said.

They went over personal information for a little while after that. Social security info, and all that stuff. Now it was the actual adoption stuff.

"We have your info here, and we'll have to do some house checks and dig deeper, but to match you with a child we have to know what age preference you both would prefer." Janet explained.

"Hang on a moment please." Patrick said, putting the phone on mute. "What do you think?" He asked. "I domt know. Maybe a baby?" Ellen asked hesitantly.

"That would make it better for future references. Either that or maybe an 8 year old or around there?" Patrick suggested. "I think a baby would be better because we could start from scratch. It would be hard just to jump into schooling and stuff." Ellen said.

"Okay. So a baby?" Patrick asked for confirmation. "Is that okay with you?" She asked back.

"Of course." Patrick replied, unmuting the phone. "Sorry for the wait. I think we're going to do a baby. Not like a newborn, but a year old or around there." He said.

"Okay, perfect. So, I'll be in touch with you guys. Once we find a match we find suitable, we can meet up and see how it goes. And after your married, maybe you'll be able to adopt." Janet said.

"Thank you." Ellen and Patrick said at the same time. "No problem. I hope to be in touch with you all soon." Janet said before hanging up the phone.


"We're actually adopting a baby." Ellen said. Patrick chuckled. "Yes, we are." He replied. "And we're getting married." She added. Patrick smiled. "Yes. We are." He repeated.

"That's insane, Patrick. Like, insane." Ellen said. It was like she was having a realization, and it was funny to Patrick.

"Are you...okay with this?" He asked softly. "Oh, yeah. I'm just kind know? We met almost 20 years ago working together and now we're getting married and adopting a baby. I love you so much." Ellen said.

Patrick smiled and took her in his arms. "I love
You too. You can stop freaking out." He whispered into her ear.

"Sorry." Ellen apologized, resting her head on his shoulder. "Don't be. Do you want to go get some coffee now and some food?" He asked. She nodded and they went downstairs.

Patrick made her a cup of coffee and sat down on their large couch while she turned on the news. "Hey, are we renewed for a season 18 yet?" Patrick asked suddenly.

"I domt know. We're almost on hiatus so youd think we know by now but I haven't heard anything from Shonda." Ellen replied.

"Well, it's up to you partly, isn't it?" He asked. Ellen nodded. "I already told her I'd do another season. I want to try to get to 20." She replied. "Hmm." Patrick murmured.

"How did you not get...bored of it?" He asked. "I mean, after 11 years, I never got bored of the people, but of the storylines I kind of did. I wish I stayed but I'm just curious." Patrick asked.

"I love acting. And I love everyone there. And I find the medical aspect actually pretty interesting. I don't know really." She replied honestly.


The rest of the day, the two just chatted about their future plans. Wedding, baby, work. The couple had come so far, from both being married and just starting to work together, to 17 years later, them being engaged and adopting their own baby.

It was truly meant to be.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. Sorry for the delay on the update, I'm on spring break right now. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them!

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