Day 18 of quarantine

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Time jump 2 days

Ellen was still at the hospital but had convinced her doctors to let her leave early. Patrick was picking her up, and she was very ready to leave.

"Thank you all so much. We appreciate what you guys are doing. I'd hug you if it was allowed." Ellen said graciously. "Of course ms Pompeo. We will see you on Greys." Kayla said with a wink. Ellen smiled and exited her room to go see Patrick.

She smiled brightly when she saw his car waiting outside. He was waiting outside, leaning on it and his face lit up when he saw her. There was a ton of paparazzi, but neither of them care. He gathered her in his arms and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you." Ellen murmured. "I missed you too. So much." Patrick replied as he pulled back a little and pressed a kiss to her lips. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too. Let's get you home." He said, his forehead pressed against hers.

They got into the car and drove off. "That's gonna be all over the news." Ellen giggled. "We're so popular." Patrick said with a chuckle as he put his hand on her thigh.

They made small talk on the car ride home, enjoying each other's presence after not being togetehr for a few days. Little did Ellen know that back at the house, Patrick had a surprise planned.

They got out of the car at the mansion and entered. "Welcome back!" Their friends yelled. Ellen smiled and laughed. "Thank you!" She exclaimed. "We missed you." Camilla said as she gave her a hug. "I missed you guys too. That sucked." Ellen replied with a laugh. "El, Patrick attempted to make cupcakes, come try them!" Jesse called from the kitchen.

Ellen walked into the kitchen and looked at the mess Patrick made. Jesse handed her a cupcake and she took a bite, surprised when it actually didn't taste terrible. "I tried." He said sheepishly. "It's actually not bad. Did you use my recipe?" She asked with a smirk. Patrick nodded and smiled.

"So how was it there?" Giacomo asked as they all sat down on the couch. "Boring as hell." Ellen replied, getting a laugh out of everyone. "So when can we get outta here now? Sorry for making you all stay another week." Ellen said. "2 more days." Shonda replied.

"So what's the deal with you two once we get outta here?" Eric asked with a smirk. "Take it one day at a time." Patrick replied. Ellen smiled and nodded. "Where you gonna go Ellen, do you know?" Giacomo asked. "Probably stay here in Malibu at the house." Ellen replied.

"And I'll stay in Malibu too. When can we start filming again? I have one more scene, right?" Patrick asked. Krista nodded. "We will probably start filming again in a week. And your scene is the 'merder' kiss scene, which you two should have no provlem with." Krista replied smiling. "Not a problem at all." Patrick said with a smirk as he pulled Ellen closer.

"Look at this notification I just got from Twitter!" Camilla exclaimed as she showed her phone. It was a picture of Patrick and Ellen kissing at the hospital. "Going public?" Kim asked. "It's not like people weren't gonna find out eventually. And I'm sure some already figured it out." Ellen offered.

Patrick nodded. "The article title 'Dempeo is real - greys anatomy fans go crazy'." Camilla read. "People have been saying dempeo stuff for years. I don't know how they make up those nicknames though." Giacomo said, almost sounding jealous. "My last name and his last name." Ellen said as if he were dumb.

He scoffed and looked away. "When you left Patrick, we tried to get so many guys, but it never felt right." Shonda admitted. "The most liked was probably Riggs. But he left and now we have Hayes, and some people seem to like him." Shonda added. "You like this guy?" Patrick asked. He was jealous that this 'Hayes' guy got to kiss her too. "Hes a nice guy but I don't see him and Meredith getting serious." Ellen said honestly as she yawned.

"You must be exhausted. How about we go take a nap?" Patrick suggested. Ellen nodded and the two stood up. "We'll be back down in a little while." He said as he walked upstairs with her.

Ellen climbed into Patrick's bed wordlessly and curled under the covers. He hopped in beside her and wrapped his arms around her. Ellen rolled practically on top of him and rested her head on his chest. He held her tight to him and kissed her forehead. "This is so much better than laying in a hospital bed alone." Ellen said sleepily.

"I missed you." Patrick said. "Take a nap. I'll be here when you wake up." He whispered. Ellen mumbled something incoherent, indicating she was well on her way to sleep. Patrick wasn't tired, but he missed holding her. He stroked her back soothingly and listened to her soft snores. Doing this, he remembered all the times he found her asleep in random places in the trailer. The bathroom, the couch, sometimes just on the floor.

The one thing he did notice was that she always had to be holding something when she slept. No matter where it was, she was always holding a pillow or blanket. And right now she was holding him. Maybe it was a comfort thing. He found it adorable.

So as her soft snores lulled him to sleep despite the fact that he wasn't tired, he thought about how perfect she was.

Hey guys!! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I did a 2 day time jump because in the hsotpail I feel like it was getting repetitive. So anyways, after the quarantine is over for everyone, I'm thinking about making it a short Dempeo story. What do you guys think?

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