Day 1 out of quarantine

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"Patrick! Wake up!" Ellen called from downstairs. Patrick spent the night last night. "We have the GMA interview in an hour!" Ellen yelled. Patrick groaned and stumbled out of bed and downstairs.

"I made breakfast. Now eat up and then we'll get changed." Ellen said with a smile as Patrick came over to her and wrapped his arms around her small waist and kissed her forehead. "So tired." He mumbled. "Sleepy head." Ellen said with a giggle. Patrick pulled away and sat down at the table, digging in to the delicious breakfast Ellen had prepared.

After breakfast, they both went up to Ellen's room and got changed. Patrick had purposely brought a change of clothes, knowing he'd most likely spend the night. He changed into a nice black jacket and he kept his pajama pants on, and Ellen changed into a nice long sleeve top, also keeping her pajama pants on.

They went outside on her balcony and set up Ellen's MacBook for the zoom. They sat down on the chairs, with a nice background of the beach and water. He joined the zoom and Robin Williams and Michael Strahan both appeared. On a tv Ellen had outside, they could see themselves on GMA.

"Patrick, Ellen, its so nice to see you two!" Robin exclaimed. "It's nice to you see you guys too! How are you?" Ellen asked politely. "We're good, we're good. How about you guys? Happy to be out of quarantine?" Michael asked with a smile. "Very." Patrick said with a chuckle.

"Alright, so let's get right into it. You guys are togsther, right?" Robin asked. "We are." Patrick said happily. "Wow! For years people have been wanting you two to get together, and now it's happened! Greys fans all over are so excited." Robin exclaimed. "Yeah, it's great. It's really nice to be with the person you love." Patrick said with a smile. Ellen smiled and nodded. "I agree." She said.

"So how was the quarantine?" Michael asked. "Uh, it wasn't bad. Everyone was there, so it was nice to see them. But after the first 15 days or so it got boring." Patrick admitted. "So why did you guys have to stay 20 days instead of the normal 2 weeks?" Robin asked. "I actually got admitted to the hospital, as I'm sure some people know, and they were required to stay because I was symptomatic." Ellen replied.

"So it was just you who got sick?" Michael asked. "It was. I have asthma so when I get sick it's not usually a good thing." Ellen replied. "Well, we're glad your okay." Robin said. "Thank you." Ellen said softly with a big smile. "Do you guys know when greys is starting up again?" Michael asked. "I believe Krista said a week." Ellen replied. "And Patrick, how many more scenes do you have?" Robin asked. "I think only 1." He replied.

"I don't mean to get sidetracked, but that view is gorgeous!" Robin exclaimed. Ellen and Patrick laughed. "Thank you." Ellen said. "If you don't mind me asking where is it?" Robin asked. "Malibu." Ellen replied. "Wow. Remind me to take a trip to Malibu." Michael said.

"Now back to the important stuff, you guys have been promoting masks for a long time now. Do you guys have any personal reasons or just in general?" Michael asked. "My father actually passed away a few weeks ago from covid. So I think it's more important for me in the family aspect. I also have 5 older siblings, so it's important for them to stay safe and everyone. It's also for everyone else, you know? I mean, it's everyone really, who's at risk for this virus. Why not wear masks and help prevent it?" Ellen replied.

"I'm sorry about your father." Robin and Michael said. Ellen thanked them and gave a sad smile. "What about you Patrick?" Robin asked. "Thankfully my family has been safe from covid. But as Ellen said, it's not just for you and your family to wear masks, it's for everybody around you. It's important to listen to the science and listen to what they're telling you." Patrick responded. "I agree." Michael said.

"Well, we have time for a few more questions, sent in by fans actually." Ronin said as she held up a glass jar with paper slips in them. Michael reached in and read the paper. "Patrick, what do you think is Ellen's best quality?" Michael asked. Patrick smiled. "Everything. But her eyes. They're so alive. They pull you in. They're gorgeous." Patrick replied as he placed his hand on hers and squeezed gently. Ellen blushed slightly and smiled.

"Ellen, how have You been able to film the same show for 17 years? Doesnt it get boring?" Robin read. "Well, at greys, it's always fresh, and new, and exciting. Debbie allen is a blast over there, as is everyone else. For me to be able to do something for that long, it has to be exciting. And it is. I love it over there." Ellen replied. Robin and michael nodded.

"Anyother one for Ellen. What was the most difficult season you had to film?" Michael read. "Ohhh, it would have to be season 12. I really wasn't in to that,
I don't know why. Shonda brought in Denzel, which was really fun, but I don't know. It was missing something. Probably Patrick." Ellen said with a giggle.

"And last question is for Patrick. Who called you back to greys?" Michael read. "It was actually Ellen. She called me one day and was like 'hey, do you want to come back for a few episodes' and then I was like 'well, how would that work? I'm dead'. So she told me about the whole storyline and we went for a hike and chatted for a while and caught up. It had been a number of years since we last chatted, and it was nice. It was really moving to work with everyone again, and see everyone." He replied.

"That's great. Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Ellen Pompeo and Patrick dempsey!" Robin exclaimed to the crowd.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! If
You have any ideas for future chapters, feel free to drop them! Hope you guys are doing well!

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