Day 59 out of quarantine

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Thursday morning came and Ellen and Patrick were perfecting the house for Janet's visit.

"The baby rubber corner things are up literallt everywhere, we have baby proof door knobs, the things that go in the outlets. What else?" Ellen asked as she cleaned around the house.

"All little things are safe and on counters, the nursery is all set up with the crib, changing table, rocking chair, all that stuff. I think we're all set, El." Patrick replied.

"Are you sure? I feel like we're missing something."

"Yeah, the baby." Patrick joked. Ellen rolled her eyes at him as the door bell rang.

Ellen looked at him with wide eyes and took a deep breath before walking over and opening the door. "Janet, hi." She said with a smile as Patrick walked over.

"Ellen, Patrick. It's a pleasure to meet you both." Janet said kindly. "Come on in." Ellen said welcomely.

Janet came in and Ellen and Patrick led her to the foyer. "You two have a lovely home." She complimented. "Thank you." Patrick answered, squeezing Ellen's hand.

"Shall we start?" Janet asked. The couple nodded and first started off with the living room. "This is our living room." Ellen said proudly.

Janet walked around and smiled when she saw the rubber stoppers on the coffee table and tv stand. She got a very prepared set of clients. "Good on the rubber stoppers." She commented.

"Looks good in here. Very prepared with the stoppers and outlet covers. Shall we move on?" Janet asked. Patrick then led her to the kitchen, which was a quick look around and nod of approval.

It was more of the bedroom and actual living space for the baby that Janet was looking for. They went to the nursery and Janet started expecting every little detail.

She tested the weight of the crib, the sturdiness of the changing table, the dresser sturdiness. Everything. "You may want to bolt the dresser and changing table to the wall. When the child gets older, they like to climb and that could be dangerous." Janet suggested.

The two made a mental note in their heads. "Everything is good in here. Aside from the bolting." She said. "That's great." Ellen breathed with a sigh of relief.

Janet walked around the rest of their home, and found it very clean and very child friendly. She was almost certain her clients would be able to adopt a baby.

"Everything looks fantastic. You're home is beautiful and let's say....95% baby proofed. I have no doubt this will all work out." Janet said happily.

"Thank you. For everything, Janet." Patrick said. "Again, you do have to be legally married to adopt, so once you do that and we have the records, it will probably be a fairly quick process from there. When's the wedding again?" She asked.

"May 9th. So about 50 days I think." Ellen answered. "Okay. Shortly after, I will be in contact with you. Of course I'll stay in touch if we find matches, and maybe you can even meet the child and have a few nights with him or her." Janet responded.

"That's awesome. Thank you Janet." Ellen said. "It's my pleasure. Have a great day you two."


Ellen and Patrick sat down on the couch with a big sigh of relief. "I'll call my buddy Steve, he does that kind of stuff with the bolting." Patrick said.

"Okay. That went well, right?" Ellen asked. "It did. We may have to tell everyone now." Patrick replied. "Want to just do that now?"

"Sure. How? Instagram live or something?" Patrick asked. "How about just a post? I don't feel like talking." She chuckled.

The two of them grabbed their phones and found a selfie together. "What to caption it? I'll write it and just send it to you so you can copy and paste it." Ellen said.

"Expanding our family- adoption is a beautiful thing, and we can't wait to be a part of it." Ellen said simply. Patrick smiled and agreed.

"That's good. I'll post it now." He said. The both of them uploaded the image and laid back in each other's arms.

"We should sit outside. It's nice out. Oh, and we should order lunch. I'm hungry." Ellen said. Patrick chuckled and took his phone out once again. "Where from?"

"Dave's. I love their Buffalo fingers." Ellen answered. Patrick dialed their number and ordered for them. Buffalo fingers for her, and a steak bomb for him.

The sat outside together as their phones blew up with Instagram notifications. "Do you think I'll be a good mom?" Ellen asked.

"I know you'll be a fantastic mom." He replied.

"But why? I didn't grow up with a mom. I don't know how to be a mom." She countered. "Ellen, growing up without a mom helped shape you. It made you into a more independent, fierce, and ambitious woman." Patrick said.

"And it made you more compassionate. And I know once we adopt a baby you'll be the best mother a kid can ask for because of that."

"Thanks Pat. I can't wait to see you be a daddy." Ellen admitted. "I can't wait to be a daddy. I'm gonna coach soccer. And football. And hockey. And everything he or she wants to play." Patrick said enthusiastically.

"And I'll be the proud mom on the sidelines." Ellen added with a smile. "I can't wait to see us become a family. It'll be magical." Patrick replied as he kissed her softly. "You'll be my wife, I'll be your husband, and we're gonna have our own little baby crawling around the house."

"One big happy family." Ellen answered.

Hey guys! I'm writing this at like midnight and I'm exhausted so if this doesn't make sense sorry about that. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them. Also, I need names for baby ideas!!! Please let me know what you would like. Thanks for reading!!

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