Day 48 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick both went to set in the morning. Patrick had a very busy day, but Ellen only had a few scenes.

"Ellen, can you watch Lucas for a bit? I have scenes to film and Matt had work and the baby sitter is sick." Camilla asked desperately.

"Sure." Ellen replied. Camilla sighed in relief and handed the baby over to her. "Hi lucas." Ellen murmured, holding the almost one year old tightly.

"Thanks El. Call me if you need me." Camilla said, handing her the baby bag and rushing off to film.


Ellen brought Lucas back to her trailer and sat down. "Whatcha want to do today, buddy?" She murmured. LuCaS giggled and reached for the bag.

He grabbed a little rattle toy and began shaking it around. "You like that, huh?" Ellen asked with a giggle.

Years ago, she dreamed of having kids. But Chris never wanted them and she honestly didn't want them with him. But she longed to be a mom. Too old now.

Lucas started to cry a little while later, and Ellen figured he was hungry. There was a bottle, but she had to warm it up. So, she lifted up Lucas, and left the trailer.


"Who is this little guy?" Patrick asked as he approached Ellen In between scenes. "Lucas. Camillas youngest." She replied.

Lucas babbled impatiently and put his small hand on her cheek. "Yes, I know. It's coming soon, I promise." Ellen cooed in a baby voice.

Patrick watched Ellen with the baby and smiled. He always thought she'd be a good mom. He doesn't know why she and Chris never had any kids, but yet again, he doesn't know why he and Jill never had any either.

But he did want them. Or wanted them. They were too old to have babies though. "Can you hold him for a minute? I really have to pee." Ellen asked. "Sure. Come here big guy." Patrick said, lifting the baby gently out of Ellen's arms.

Ellen ran to the bathroom and Patrick babbled to the baby. "He's cute, isn't he?" Camilla said as she came over. "Very. He's a good kid." Patrick replied.

"Ellen's good with them." She pointed out. "Yeah, she is." Patrick agreed. "You guys ever want kids?" She asked.

"I'm 54 and she's 51. It's a little late for that." Patrick said with a sad chuckle. "Hey, it's never too late. You could always adopt." Camilla said. "I domt even know if she wants any." He replied.

"She does. I know it." Camilla replied as Ellen came back. "Hey." Ellen said with a smile. "I gotta run. See you guys later." Camilla said.

"Actually, can you watch him for longer? Shonda pushed up my scenes." Ellen asked. "Sure El. Go kick ass." Patrick replied. "Watch your language! There's a baby in the room." She scolded lightly.


A little while later, the day was over and Camilla took Lucas back. "You and Patrick would be good parents." She said nonchalantly.

"Camilla, we're old." Ellen replied. "So? Adopt!" Camilla exclaimed. "I don't know." Ellen said. "You should talk to Patrick about it. Anyways, me and this  little guy gotta to. See you later."

Ellen met with Patrick and they drove home together. "Lucas is a cutie, huh?" Patrick asked. "He's very cute." Ellen agreed.

Patrick knew she was thinking about something, but decided to leave it until they got home.

He pulled into the driveway and they both exited the car. It was a warm day, but it was very nice out. "What do you want to eat for dinner?" Patrick asked.

"We can just order something. It's been a long time and a salad is totally calling my name." Ellen replied, plopping down on the couch. "Sounds good to me."

Patrick ordered their dinner and sat down next to her, pulling her into his arms. "What are you thinking about Ellie?" Patrick asked knowingly.

Ellen sighed. "Camilla asked me about having kids today." She said. "She asked me too." Patrick replied. "I used to want them."

"You don't anymore?" Patrick asked. "I do, but I don't think I can even get pregnant." She admitted. "Me too." Patrick replied. "I would've liked to be a mom. But it's okay." Ellen said.

"Maybe we still can. If you want." He said quickly. "Adoption?" Ellen asked. He nodded. "I'd be fine with that, but we're actors, when are we going to have time for a baby?"

"Shonda would give us maternity and paternity leave I'm sure." He replied. "Would you want to do that?" Ellen asked. "I always wanted to be a dad." Patrick admitted.

"Do you...wanna look into it?" Ellen asked hesitantly. "I would love to." Patrick replied with a smile. "We're really doing this?" She smiled. "We are. We can start tomorrow if you want." He answered.

"Let's do it." Ellen replied, kissing him softly, and getting interrupted when the doorbell rang. "Foods here." Patrick said, grunting as he stood up.


They both ate their dinner, both still thinking about the decision they just made. They were going to try to adopt a baby, and have a family of their own.

And they both were ecstatic about it. Finally, they would maybe get they family the both dreamed of. With the right person. "I love you." Ellen said. "I love you too." He replied.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them.

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