Day 53 out of quarantine

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A few days later, Patrick had a race. He hadn't had one for Quite a while, and luckily for him, it was only a few hours away in LA.

"What time does this thing start?" Ellen asked as she got dressed. "First race is at 12." Patrick replied as he packed his race suit. "So we have to go in....10 minutes?" She guessed, looking at her watch.

He nodded. "Alright." She answered.


A few minutes later, the two of them got into the car and began driving. It was about 2 hours and 30 minutes away, so they got comfortable.

"This is safe, right?" Ellen asked. She saw some of his races on tv, never in person, and they looked dangerous. "You've seen some races. Their is a risk, of course, but I've been doing this for a while. There's nothing to worry about." Patrick soothed, putting his hand on her thigh.

"Are you sure? Because we're getting married in a few months and if you die or get hurt I will not be happy with you Mr Dempsey." She said sternly. Patrick chuckled. "It's safe, I won't get hurt or die."


They arrived at the track and Ellen walked in hand in hand with Patrick. "Where are you going to go?" She asked over the loud crowd of fans and paparazzi.

"The pit. You can sit in my suite room, there should be food and everything and you can watch." Patrick explained. "Okay. You'll be okay, right?" Ellen asked again.

"I'll be fine. I got to go, I love you." Patrick said, kissing her softly. "Charlie, can you bring El to my suite?" He asked. Charlie, the security guard nodded.

Patrick left and Ellen was escorted through the crowd to the room. "Ellen, is Patrick racing today?" A reporter asked. "Are you nervous?" Another yelled.

Ellen eventually got to his suite and thanked Charlie before entering. It was a really nice room, with a counter/kitchen area, a bar overlooking the track, and you could go outside and sit as well.

She put her purse down and walked out to the outside seating.The cars were lined up, and the race was due to begin soon.

She grabbed a cookie before sitting down. Ellen grabbed her phone and went on Instagram. She decided to go through some pictures she was tagged in, which were a lot of her and Patrick and liked them all.

"Hello everyone, welcome to this years annual race. Today, we have drivers competing from all over the world, like Dempsey Racing, and much others! The race will begin in two minutes. Drivers, get ready." The announcer said loudly.

Ellen watched as Patrick got into his car. "And....go!"

Patrick's car and everyone else's roared to life and off they went. Patrick loved the adrenaline he felt while racing, there was nothing like it.

He zoomed around the track like nothing. He was in second right now, a really close second. The driver next to him bumped into him and he frowned.

Patrick gave the driver a little nudge as well back. He knew Ellen was watching, and he wasn't taking anything from anybody.

He managed to get in front of everyone, and that's where he stayed for the remainder of the race. "And the winner of this years race...Patrick Dempsey! Thank you for coming everyone!" The announcer said.

Ellen smiled as she watched Patrick pose for pictures on the pedestal. Patrick stepped down and waved Ellen over. She immediately threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"You won!" She exclaimed. Patrick chuckled and pulled away slightly. "I did." He replied with a smile, kissing her softly. "And I didn't get hurt. I told you."

Ellen rolled her eyes and took in the sight of her fiancée in his race suit. He looked really, really good right now.

"Let's go home." Patrick said with a smile.


They got back at the house a few hours later and changed into their pajamas after a nice shower together. "You were so good today. And that race suit should wear that more often." Ellen said, kissing him softly.

"Yeah?" He asked against her lips. She nodded and pushed him down onto the bed. "Victory sex?" He asked, smirking. "Oh yeah."

A little while later, they laid back in bed, Ellen wrapped tightly in his arms. "We should...have victory sex more often." Patrick said, pan thing heavily.

"We should. It was nice watching you today. You were definetely In your element, besides acting." Ellen replied. "It's one of my favorite things to do. I used to love when my old man took me to drive." Patrick replied.

"Hmm." Ellen hummed, feeling her eyes grow heavy. "Sleep. It's been a long day. Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it." Patrick murmured. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too."

Hey guys! Sorry for lack of updates recently, I've had a very busy week. Also sorry for this short chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope your all doing well.

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