Day 31 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick were leaving today, but their flight wasn't until 2. Ellen woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon and slid out of bed.

She snuck up behind Patrick's and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Good morning." She whispered, face pressed into his back. "Morning." He  replied.

"Ready to go?" He asked softly, turning around and holding her waist. "I never like leaving here." Ellen admitted. "We'll come back." He promised.

"Here you go. I made eggs and bacon, Dempsey style." Patrick said with a corny grin as he set a plate of food in front of her.

"Mm. This is so good." Ellen said. "It was my moms recipe." He said softly. Ellen gave a sympathetic smile and squeezed his arm. "Thanks for coming here with me."

"No place I'd rather be." Patrick replied, kissing her softly.


"You all packed and ready?" She asked. "Yeah. I just gotta get my stuff in the bathroom." Patrick replied.

"All that hair product, huh?" Ellen teased with a smile. Patrick scoffed and stuck his tongue out at her. "You love me though."

"I do." She replied softly.

The two of them packed up fully and said goodbye to the house. Patrick drove home in a comfortable silence as Ellen looked at the scenery of her hometown.

They arrived at the airport and hopped out, paparazzi in full swing. "Ellen, who were you visiting at the cemetery the other day?" One yelled. "None of ya business!" She replied back, her Boston accent coming out. Patrick chuckled and led her inside.

After checking and security, the two of them were waiting at their terminal for their plane when a little girl wandered over.

She looked up to Ellen with wide, teary eyes. "What's wrong hun?" She asked. "Mama." The girl cried, grabbing on to Ellen's leg. "How old you?" Patrick asked lightly.

The girl held up 3 fingers. "My name is Ellen, and that's Patrick. Can you tell us your name?" Ellen asked gently, rubbing the girls back, who was still clinging on to Ellen's leg. "Mya." She whispered.

"Okay Mya. We'll find your mama." She said soothingly.

"Were boarding soon. Do we just wait?" Ellen whispered to Patrick. "I'll go tell the flight attendant. Wait here." He said as he stood up. "Up." Mya demanded, holding her hands up.


"Up!" Mya repeated. Ellen, not knowing how to say no, lifted the girl up and placed her in the seat beside her.


"Hi, a little girl is lost I think and she's over there with my fiancée. Is there some protocol or something to do?" Patrick asked.

"Oh no, do you know the girls name?" The attendant asked. "Mya. She's three." Patrick replied.

"Can the guardian of Mya, 3 years old come to terminal A?" She asked over the intercom. "If you guys board bring her over and I'll stay with her."

"Thanks." He replied. He turned away and smiled when he saw Ellen and the little girl chatting. He wondered why she never had kids with Chris. She would be an excellent mother, he knew.


"Oh god! Mya!" A frantic mother exclaimed as she ran over. "Mama!" Mya exclaimed. "Don't you ever run from us like that again!" The mother scolded, hugging her toddler tight. "We're so sorry. Thank you for watching her. Here you go!" The father said gratefully, holding out a hundred dollar bill.

"No, it was the right thing to do. You guys take care. Bye Mya." Ellen said with a smile as she and Patrick stood up and walked to their flight that was just called.

Once they boarded the plane and took their seats, Patrick sighed. "You're really good with them." He commented. "You'd be a good mom."

"I'm too old for that. I missed that." Ellen said sadly. "Me too." Patrick replied. "Guess we'll make due with the casts' kids." He added. "Yeah."

Deep down, Ellen really wanted to be a mom. But her and Chris never really got to that point. She loved kids. Patrick wanted kids too, and him and Jill didn't get to that point either. It was a dream both of them missed out on.


Hours later, the plane landed and Patrick and Ellen arrived back in Malibu. "Tired?" He asked as they walked out to their car in the parking garage, completely ignoring the paparazzi. Ellen nodded and climbed into the passengers seat of the car.

"Thanks for coming with me. It was fun." She said sleepily. "It was. I like Boston. Now, sleep. You're tired. We still have a bit of a drive." Patrick said. "Love you." "Love you too." He answered quietly.


A little while later, the two arrived back at Patrick's house. Ellen had been sleeping peacefully for the last 45 minutes, so he quietly went around to her side of the car and picked her up in his arms. She didn't even stir when he placed her down gently into his bed.

Patrick got their luggage out and just left them in the foyer for now, too tired to bring it all upstairs. He changed quickly into some pajamas and then climbed into bed beside Ellen, who was snoring away. Ellen curled into his body and sighed contently. "I love you Ellie." He whispered, pressing a kiss to her neck.

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them. Hope your all doing well!

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