Day 38 out of quarantine

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Today Patrick had to go on a business trip for his Porsche advertisement. Ellen couldn't go because she had to film.

When the two of them woke up, they laid in bed for a while. "My house sold. Everything's good with that." Patrick said softly, holding her to his chest.

"Good. I don't want you to leave." She mumbled. Patrick sighed. "I don't want to leave either. It's only for a few days though, I promise." He replied.

"What time is your flight?" Ellen asked, getting out of bed. "12. I should get going around 11."

"Patrick, you have to get up! It's already 10:30!" She exclaimed. Patrick chuckled. "I already packed. I just wanted to relax in bed with you." He said as an explanation.


At around 11, Patrick and Ellen got into their car, Patrick driving. Ellen wanted to say bye before he went.

"So what's up today? Anything?" She asked. "I think a quick photo shoot in a few hours. Then tomorrow is another photo shoot. And another. And another." Patrick replied with a laugh.

"You're hot. I would take photos of you any day." Ellen replied simply. Patrick laughed and put his hand on her thigh across the console.


Once they arrived at the airport, the two of them got out. Patrick grabbed his suitcase and put it down.

"I'll miss you Ellie." He said, enveloping her into a big bear hug. "Me too." She replied into his chests. "When I get back, we'll start planning the wedding."

"Looking forward to it." Ellen answered.

After a moment, Ellen pulled away just enough to look him in the eyes. "You should probably go." She whispered. "I should." Patrick said.

"Alright. I love you. Be safe and call me when you land." She said softly. "I love you too. I'll call you." Patrick replied as he gave her a kiss and walked into the airport.

Ellen sighed as she watched him walk away and got into her car. She loved Patrick more than anything and trusted him, but when left her all those years ago, it made her doubt.

Ellen trusted him. Trusted him more than anything. But a little piece in her made her doubt if he would come back again. Shaking that off, Ellen drove off to work in a comfortable silence.


She got to work and put her mask on before leaving the car.

"Hey Ellen!" Camilla exclaimed, running over. "Hi!" Ellen replied with a smile. "Okay. What happened?" She asked, pulling Ellen to the side.

"Nothing happened." She replied. Camilla gave Ellen a stern look. "Patrick just has a business trip for a few days. I dropped him off this morning."

"And you don't think he's coming to come back?" Camilla asked knowingly. Ellen sighed. "He's going to come back. It's not like last time." Camilla responded.


"It's not. He was married then. He had obligations. El, Patrick loves you. More than anything. Everyone knows it. He's going to come back and you two are going to get married. Stop worrying."

"Okay. Thanks." Ellen replied with a smile.

The two of them walked to set and quickly changed. Ellen was filming a scene where she woke up, so she was actually still in a patient gown. "Just landed. Call you tonight." Patrick texted. "Okay. Love you."


Ellen climbed into the hosptial bed as told and one of the directors put the nasal cannula in her nose.

"And....action!" Debbie yelled.

Ellen shifted in her bed, acting all sleepy. She slowly turned her head and looked to Jim. "Welcome back sleepyhead." He said.

"Hi." She replied, her voice intentionally raspy.


They filmed a few more scenes and then it was time to go. Ellen drove home by herself, and entered the empty house.

She didn't know what to do. Usually, her and Patrick would get in bed and maybe watch one of their series. But she couldn't watch them without him.

Ellen decided to whip up a quick salad and she sat on her balcony outside, the Malibu skies pink and orange as the sun was setting.

It was a warm 75 degrees. She looked at the waves crashing while she ate.

Her phone rang and she answered, Patrick's face popping up. "Hey! How are you?" Be asked.

"Good. How about you?" She replied. "Good. Long day of shooting. How ws work?" Patrick asked. "It was good. Boring. But good. I'm tired." Ellen replied.

"You should get to sleep. I'm about to fall asleep, I just wanted to call you first." Patrick replied, stifling a yawn.

"I will." She replied, getting up. Ellen put her dishes in the sink and shut off all the lights downstairs before walked upstairs to the bedroom.

"You still there?" He asked. "Yes. Just brushing my teeth." Ellen replied. "Okay. Guess what?" Patrick asked.  "What?" She asked.

"I got to take the Porsche for a ride. The one I keep talking about." He said excitedly. "Really?" How was it?"

"It was good. The drive on that thing is unreal." He exclaimed.

Ellen smiled at his eagerness and got into bed. "I'll let you sleep. I love you." He whispered. "I love you too. I'll text you in the morning". Ellen replied. "Goodnight." He said. "Goodnight."

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them. I hope your all doing well.

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