Day 21 out of quarantine

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"Can we go now?" Ellen asked eagerly. Patrick smiled and quickly changed into his outfit for the day.

"Yes, let's go El." Patrick said with a chuckle. On their way out, they happened to run into the group getting breakfast. "Hey, where you guys off to?" Shonda asked. "The bridge I told you about. You guys should come!" Ellen exclaimed.

"I'm down. We don't have anytning planned today." Jesse said. "Okay. Let's go." Camilla said with a big smile.

In the van, everyone admired the views. "So where are we going exactly?" Chandra asked. "It's a bridge that overlooks the water. You can put locks on it and stuff and it's pretty cool and has a beautiful view. And there's also a restaurant nearby if we want to go there." Ellen explained.

"We should do that. El, did you say you have a lock on it?" Camilla asked. "Yeah, my family and I put it there. I think there may be a picture in there too if we can find it and open it." Ellen said with a smile. Patrick loved seeing her so excited for something.

They arrived and got out. Ellen led them through the building to all purchase locks and up onto the bridge. "Wow. This view is gorgeous." Shonda said in awe as she looked out to the water and the crashing waves.

"Write on your locks, they should've come with sharpies." Ellen said. Patrick and Ellen bought a heart shaped lock. "What should we write?" Patrick asked. "Anytning." Ellen replied. Patrick smiled and wrote. "Patrick + Ellen - forever." Ellen read with a happy grin.

"I love you." She said as she cupped his face and kissed him softly. "I love you too. Now let's find this Pompeo family lock." He replied with a smile. Ellen nodded and they began searching as everyone else wrote and attached their locks.

"Found it!" Patrick exclaimed. Ellen came over and knelt down. She carefully unlatched the lock and grabbed it. "The Pompeo Family 1974." She read with a small smile. "I remember when my dad was writing this I was talking to Suzie about the water. I don't know why." Ellen said with a chuckle.

She opened the lock, which was like a locket, and revealed a picture that was folded up very small. Ellen opened it and revealed the rare family picture. "That was me." Ellen said as she pointed to a little girl. "Beautiful then and beautiful now." Patrick said as he looked at the picture.

"And that was my mom." Ellen said with a sigh. "You look just like her Ellie." Patrick said as he put a hand on the small of her back. "She was a good mom." Ellen said. Patrick wrapped his arms around her and held her close, letting her grieve for a moment.

"Oh, I miss her." Ellen sighed as she pulled away just enough to look at him. "I know you do." Patrick replied as he kissed her softly. "Let me take a picture and send it to my siblings." Ellen said quietly as she took out her phone and sent the picture.

Once everyone was done, Ellen put the lock back and they went to the little restaurant. "Is that you Ellen?" Camilla asked as Ellen showed her the picture on her ohone. "Yeah. And that's my mom and my dad." She replied. "You look just like her." Camilla said in shock. "Let me see." Shonda requested.

The picture was passed around, and everyone agreed that Ellen looked exactly like her mother. "What else did you do here el?" Jesse asked. "Uh, we mainly just walked around and stuff." Ellen replied. It was almost 45 years ago, so she didn't remember very clearly.

"You ever used to fight with your siblings because you were jealous about something? Because I'm in an argument with my brother right now." Camilla said. "I used to be jealous of my siblings all the time." Ellen said with a chuckle. "Why?" She asked curiously. "Well they're all older than me so they could do more things, and because they got more time with my mom. And I got very jealous." Ellen replied.

"How are you so okay with talking about your mom?" Camilla asked. Ellen sighed. "It was a long time ago. It still hurts, but not as bad." She said. "I miss my mom." Camilla whispered. "I do too." Ellen replied.

After lunch, they all went back to the hotel and decided to go to the pool. Ellen opted this time not to swim, but to tan with the girls. The guys hung out by the pool, and it was a perfect pool day.

"So what's the next step with you and Ellen?" Eric asked as he took a sip of his beer. "I want to marry her." Patrick said with a smile. "Hey, there's a jeweler just downtown." Kevin pointed out. Patrick smiled. "Maybe. But we're leaving tomorrow." Patrick replied. "So? We can go out tonight. Come on, we should do it." Eric said. "I- let's do it." Patrick said.

That night, the girls went to sleep while the guys went to the jewelry store. Patrick had bought Ellen a gorgeous diamond cut ring that he was sure she would love and kept it safely in his suit pocket. The next step was figuring out how to give it to her, and when.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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