Day 20 out of quarantine

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Patrick woke up first with a small, warm body wrapped tightly in his arms. He looked down and kissed Ellen's head softly. Patrick had always loved how she held on to him at night. She had a grip on his shirt, that looked like it had loosened throughout the night.

Ellen sighed softly in her sleep and burrowed closer to Patrick, her head in the crook of his neck, her arm slung across his abdomen. Patrick chuckled lightly and wrapped an arm around her, holding her close. It was only 7, so they had some time. Shonda had planned a boat ride for everyone today scheduled for around 11.

When they both woke up next, they cuddled together for a bit. "Ready to go on that boat?" Patrick asked quietly. "Mm yeah. I've never really been on a boat. I didn't go anywhere other than here as a kid." Ellen replied. "Boats are fun." Patrick said with a smile.

They got up and changed. "What do I wear?" Ellen asked. "A bathing suit and then some shorts and a shirt over probably." Patrick said as he changed into his swim trunks and a shirt.

They got to the boat dock and Met up with everything. "Good morning." Jesse said as he approached them with his girlfriend. "Morning." Ellen replied.

"Hello everyone. My name is Jacob and I'll be your boat guide today. This is our driver, Steve and he'll be driving obviously. So, without further ado, let's get started." Jacob said with a smile as he helped everyone board. One by one, they went. Ellen was up and Jacob was extra touchy. He put one hand around her waist and the other on her hand and smiled.

"Thanks." Ellen mumbled uncontrollably. "Your welcome beautiful." Jacob replied. Patrick stepped up and gave a very intimidating look. Jacob backed off immediately and helped the others.

When they boarded, they all scattered amongst the boat. Patrick and Ellen chose to stand by the front on holding on to the rail, while others stood on the second floor or on the inside. It was more of a smaller cruise ship than a regular boat.

Patrick was sure to keep Ellen close to him. He didn't want Jacob going anywhere near her. "Why are you all....protective?" Ellen asked amused. "I'm not." Patrick lied. "You so are." Ellen accused lightly. "I- fine." He admitted. "Is it because of that guide dude?" Ellen guessed. Patrick nodded and looked away. Ellen cupped his face gently and turned his face to her. "I'm yours." She whispered before pressing her lips softly against his.

"Okay." Patrick whispered back as his hands fell around her waist, bodies still pressed against each other. "I love you." She said with a smile. "I love you too." He replied.

A few minutes later, Patrick went to the bathroom and Jacob approached her. "Hey! How's it going?" He asked enthusiastically. "Good. It's beautiful out here." Ellen said. "Not as beautiful as you." Jacob said honestly. Ellen smirked slightly at the irony and looked away. Jacob put his hand on the small of her back. Ellen frowned and shifted away from him.

Patrick came back from the bathroom and froze when he saw Jacob touching Ellen. His eyes filled with fury and he marched on over. He pulled Ellen away from Jacob and close to him and kissed her deeply. "Bro." Jacob said in disgust and surprise. Patrick pulled back slightly and looked at him innocently. "Sorry pal, didn't see you there. Can we have some privacy?" Patrick asked with a smirk. Jacob scoffed and walked the other way.

"You okay?" Patrick asked. "I'm fine." Ellen replied. "That was totally hot." She whispered into his ear. Patrick smirked and looked her straight into the eyes. "I don't like other guys touching you." He whispered. "You're the only one that I let touch me, Patty. Just you." She replied as she kissed him softly once again.

The boat ride was great. They stopped midway in the water, and jumped in. "Who wants to go in?" Chandra asked. "I will." Ellen said as she pulled off her clothes and dove in, followed by everyone else. Jacob was in the water, stealing looks at Ellen everyone once in a while, but turning away when seeing Patrick's glance.

When they got back to the shore, they went back to the hotel. They didn't have anything planned all together, but Patrick planned a dinner for them. The two of them showered and changed into some nice dinner outfits and made their way there.

It was a nice Italian restaurant that overlooked the beach, much like the previous one. "You look gorgeous Ellie." Patrick said with a smile. "Thank you. You look handsome." She replied. He smiled and grabbed her hand across the table. "This is nice. Not having to work and be able to relax." Ellen said.

"It is." Patrick agreed. They ordered and ate their dinner before going back to the hotel and spending the rest of their night in bed.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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