Day 115 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick arrived home late last night. They had gotten the call early morning from Janet that their baby was finally going to be there's today.

Ellen and Patrick quickly got the house in order. Ellen vacuumed the whole house at least 3 times, if not more. Patrick did all the dishes and cleaned everything practically, due to Ellen's orders.

"Ellen, take a breath. Everything's fine." Patrick said, chucking at his wife's panic. "Take a breath? Don't tell me to take a breath! Our baby is coming and we haven't been home in a week!" Ellen exclaimed.

Patrick walked over and took Ellen in his arms. "I'm scared." She admitted. "Of what?" He asked, pulling away and moving a strand of hair out of the way.

"What if I'm not a good mom?" Ellen asked quietly. Patrick tilted her chin up and looked her straight in the eyes. "That's not possible." He whispered, kissing her softly.

A knock at the door turned them both around. "She's here." Ellen said, a smile gracing her lips. They hurried to the door and opened it, revealing Janet, and an adorable little baby in her arms.

"Hi guys." Janet said, grinning. This was the best part of her job, by far. "Hi." Patrick replied in awe. "Come on in." He said.

The two of them entered and they went to the kitchen. "So everything's all ready. You have officially adopted this little girl." Janet said, looking down at Jessie.

"Jessie, this is your mommy and daddy. Can you say that?" Janet cooed. The baby smiled and held out her arms to Ellen.

Ellen scooped the baby up and jessie melted against her chest. Patrick watched gleefully, tears in his eyes as his wife held their daughter.

"Thank you so much Janet. Thank you....this is..." Patrick trailed off. "It's my pleasure. There's a diaper bag with some formula, diapers and some toys for until you get into the swing of things. I'll call in a week to see how things are going. It was a pleasure working with you both." Janet said before leaving the house.

"Want to hold her?" Ellen asked, smiling so wide. Patrick nodded, unable to speak out of happiness. Ellen gently handed the baby over and Patrick held her close.

"Hi. I'm your daddy." He whispered, kissing her head. "I love you and your mommy so much." Patrick said. Jessie giggled and nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

"Should we sit down?" Ellen suggested.

The two of them and Jessie sat down on the couch and looked at each other. "You're a happy baby, aren't you?" Ellen cooed. Jessie giggled and grabbed the giraffe toy from Patrick.

"What time does she eat? It's almost noon." Ellen asked. Patrick looked at the schedule Janet left. "Right around now. She left some of her favorite formula and purée and we'll have to get some ag the grocery store." Patrick replied, getting up and grabbing one of the packaged purées and a bottle.

Jessie smiled at her food and wiggles in Ellen's arms. "Already like your mama with the way you like food." Patrick murmured as he opened the can. They put Jessie in a high chair and began feeding her.

"Is that yummy?" Ellen asked the baby.

After she was done eating, Patrick carried the baby back to the couch and held her while she sucked on her bottle. "She goes down for a nap after this, right?" Ellen asked.

"Right. She said she'd sleep for about an hour and a half to two hours." Patrick replied. "She's a gorgeous baby." Ellen murmured.

Jessie had pale milky skin, and dazzling blue eyes. From a far, she looked as if she was Patrick and Ellen's biological baby. She always smiled and her eyes twinkled.

She finished the bottle and was getting sleepy. Patrick handed her off to Ellen and they went upstairs to their nursery, which was fully painted and modeled.

"This is your room. No boys are allowed in it's ever." Patrick said with a stern smile. Ellen laughed and bounced up and down as Jessie whimpered a little. "It's okay, baby." She cooed.

Ellen and Patrick both kissed Jessie's forehead before she put the baby down gently into her crib. "Did you set up the baby monitor?" Ellen asked quietly. Patrick nodded and plugged it in and as they left the room, he grabbed the camera to it and slowly shut the door.

"Wow." Ellen breathed as she got to the kitchen and poured some coffee into a mug. "I know." Patrick replied with a grin as he admired his wife.

They had gone from two separate married couples acting on a show together, to a now married couple to each other, acting on a show again, with a new baby in their house.

"She's adorable. She's even cuter in person. And she's so happy. I don't think I was a very happy baby." Ellen rambled.

"She is. She looks like you." Patrick said. Ellen smiled. "Coincidence." She answered. "She really does. The blue eyes, blonde hair. She's kind of a mix. Which is very...odd." He said.

"Even if she didn't look like us, she'd still be the same. DNA doesn't make a family, love does." Ellen said.

"Exactly." Patrick murmured in agreement as she baby monitor detected a whimper. "Should we go get her? What if she's scared? Or cold? We should go get her." Ellen asked nervously.

Patrick walked over and hugged her again as he did this morning. "She's just adjusting. She's okay. If she starts to actually cry, we'll get her." Patrick said softly with a definitive smile.

"Okay. Sorry. I don't....I'm not good with this." Ellen apologized, as if she was embarrassed. "You are, El. It just takes practice. I don't know much about babies either, but we'll learn together." Patrick said.

"I love you so much." She whispered, her lips hovering over his. "I love you too." He replied, lips touching as the baby began to cry.

"Let's get her." Ellen said quickly before they could finish their kids. Patrick chuckled and hurried after her to their daughters room.

Finally, they were a family.

Hey guys!! I hope your all doing well and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. So, next chapter I think it's going to be the epilogue :(
I had a blast writing this, but I think that would be a good place to end off the story. Thank you all for reading!!

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