Day 43 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick woke up a few days later for work. They had to be on set super early. They both got ready and changed then went to the bathroom.

Ellen and Patrick went downstairs together and she decided to make a quick breakfast for the two of them.

While Patrick was grabbing his duffel bag for the trailer, he heard wheezing coming from the kitchen. He walked in the kitchen with a concerned expression and saw Ellen hunched over, gasping.

"Ellie? What's going on?" Patrick asked worriedly. Ellen couldn't speak. She was almost positive she was having an asthma attack. She just had to focus on attempting to control her breathing.

"Sit down, sit down." Patrick ushered as he helped her into a chair. It was too early in the morning for him to realize what was going on.

"Tell me what you need, el. I can only help if you tell me." Patrick said as he rubbed her back, hoping to ease her airway somehow.

Ellen shakily pointed to her purse. He grabbed it and put it into her lap. Ellen rummaged around for a moment before pulling out the small plastic item.

"Are you having an Asthma attack?" Patrick asked. Ellen nodded and took a puff of her inhaler. "I'll go get your nebulizer. Is it in our bedroom?" He questioned. Ellen nodded, willing the inhaler to work.

Patrick raced up to their bedroom and into the bathroom. He didn't know what caused this so early in the morning, but he knew it wasn't good.

He grabbed the machine from the shelf and went back downstairs quickly. Patrick plugged it in and put the albuterol in and handed her the tube, which she gratefully took.

Asthma attacks hurt. Anyone with asthma could tell you that. Others may think it's just a hard time breathing, but it feels like someone is choking you. And with the severity of Ellen's, it was very painful.

Patrick sat next to Ellen and rubbed her back soothingly. They were late to work, but it didn't matter at this time.

After a few more minutes, Ellen pulled the tube away from Her mouth. "Jesus." She mumbled, still taking deep Breathes. "You okay?" Patrick asked.

"Mm." Ellen muttered. "Where did that come from?" He asked quietly. "They just happen randomly." She replied.

"I'll call Shonda and let her know we can't come."

"Patrick, we can't do that. We don't have those regular 9 to 5 jobs like that." Ellen said, her voice raspy.

"Ellen. You just had a major asthma attack. And you're tired, I can tell. We aren't going to work today." Patrick said sternly. "Fine."

Patrick chuckled at her stubbornness and stepped away to call Shonda. "Patrick. Where are you guys?" Shonda asked in a voice that told him she was upset.

"We can't make it in today."

"Why not? Is everything okay?" Shonda asked, now taking a concerned tone. "Everything's fine. Ellen just isnt feel too hot and I don't want to leave her." Patrick replied.

"Oh god, not covid again." Shonda muttered. "No, no. She just had an asthma attack this morning and she's a little shaken up." Patrick replied.

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine. The medicine makes her tired and she's still a little wheezy, whether she wants to admit that or not."

"Okay. We need you two on set tomorrow, though. Tell her I hope she feels better." Shonda sighed. "Thank you." Patrick answered as he hung up the phone.


Patrick came back to Ellen, slouched over in her chair, asleep with her head resting on the counter. Patrick chuckled lightly and scooped her small body into his arms.

He brought her back upstairs to their bedroom and put her down in the bed. She let out a whimper as he let go off her, put then relaxed into the pillows.

He wouldn't admit this, because her Boston side would definetely come on and kick his ass, but she was so adorable when she wasn't feeling well. Of course, he never wanted her to be sick or anything, but he loved taking care of her.

Patrick went back downstairs and decided to plop himself down on the couch and look at some Instagram pictures.

He liked a bunch of fab pictures of him and Ellen and decided he should post one of the two of them.

After scrolling for a while, he picked a picture of him and Ellen lounging together in their hammock in the backyard. Ellen was wrapped in his arms tightly, smiling brightly at the camera.

He captioned the photo 'Hammock time" and posted it. Every picture he posted with Ellen or every time a picture was leaked from the paparazzi or sometning, they always blew up and he got millions of likes on it.


Ellen woke up a little while later and went downstairs. Her asthma attacks always made her feel crappy after.

She joined Patrick on the couch and curled into his welcoming body. "Feeling better?" He asked as he kissed her cheek.

"Much. Those are never fun." Ellen mumbled into his chest. "Do they happen a lot?"

"Sometimes. When I'm stressed or just out of breath. But sometimes there also random, like this one." Ellen replied.

"That's awful." He murmured. "Yeah."

"Well, we have the whole day to relax and do nothing. How does that sound?" Patrick asked. "Sounds good to me."

"I love you." She whispered. "I love you more." He countered

"Always a competition. And for the record, I love you

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them. Hope your all doing well and thank you all so much for 40k reads! Love you all.

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