Day 60 out of quarantine

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Today Ellen had to film one of the last scenes of this season. Patrick didn't go with her, as Ellen had to get up at 5 in the morning since the scene had to be somewhat dark.

She got into her car and started driving. As she pulled up to a starbucks, she ordered her usual and continued to set.

"Hey El!" Camilla said as Ellen arrived. "Hey. How's it going?" She asked, walking in to the building with her. "Good. How's the baby thing going?"

"Good. Reallt good. Janet, our agent, checked and looked over the house yesterday. She said once we're officially married it shouldn't be a problem finding a match." Ellen explained with a big smile.

"That's amazing el! The weddings, what, in a month?" Camilla asked. "A little under two." She corrected. Camilla nodded.

"Good morning everybody. Today we're filming season 17 episode 15. Everyone, please go to your respective film areas as said in the email I sent out." Shonda announced.

Ellen said goodbye to Camilla and walked off with Jesse. "What scene are we filming?" Jesse asked. "I think the one where you push me out in the chair." Ellen answered.

"Ohhh. How's Patrick?" Jesse asked.

"He's good. He won his race a few days ago and he's doing good." She replied. "Saw the race. Also saw you two are adopting. Congratulations." He said genuinely.

"Thank you Jesse." She replied. "Oh, and if you ever want to babysit my little man for practice just let me know." Jesse said with a chuckle.

"Say the word. We need some practice."

They got dressed for the scene, in which Ellen was in some grey sweats, a sweater, and a winter coat, and Jesse was in casual dress pants, and shirt, and a coat.

"Alright, Jesse, you are going to push her from the C mark to the car and help her in. Ellen, your job is to giggle and make it look like your having fun." The director guided.

"That far? My arms are going to hurt." Jesse teased. "Yeah, from all 130 pounds of me." Ellen shot back as she got into the wheelchair. "And....action!" The director yelled.

Jesse began pushing her in the parking lot and accelerated. Everything was going well and they were almost close to the car when the wheelchair hit a pebble.

The wheelchair toppled over onto the pavement and before Ellen know it she was on the ground and slid across the pavement. "Cut! Jesus, are you okay Ellen?" Shonda asked as she came over.

Ellen started laughing hysterically on the ground as Jesse caught his breath from laughing. "I can't- you- I can't." He laughed harder.

"Yes, I'm fine." She said, catching his breath as well. Jesse held out a hand to Ellen and she took it and pulled herself up.

"You sure youre okay?" Shonda asked again. Ellen smiled and dusted off her self. "I'm fine." She replied. "Sorry bout that." Jesse said with a smirk. "Asshole. You totally did that on purpose. I'm 51, I'm too old to be thrown around in wheelchairs." Ellen said as she smacked him on the arm.

Jesse chuckled and they got into position again. "And.....action!"


After filming, it was only around 10am, so Ellen went home.

Patrick woke up to an empty bed and sighed. He hated when Ellen had to work and he couldn't come.

Patrick got out of bed and went downstairs. He got a text from Ellen saying she would be home soon and smiled. As he sipped his coffee, he began making her breakfast as he knew she didn't eat anything today.

Patrick made some eggs and toast and Ellen arrived home. "Good morning." He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.

"Morning. Did you make breakfast?" Ellen asked, hugging him. "I did. Sit down." Patrick replied as he put the hot plates of food on the counter.

The two took seats next to each other as Ellen shrugged out of her coat. "What did you do to your arm?" Patrick asked with a concerned brow.

"Oh, I didn't even notice that. Jesse pushed me over in the wheelchair." Ellen replied with a laugh at the memory.

"He what?" Patrick asked in surprise. "We were filming a scene where he pushed me out, and there was like a rock or something and it got in the way so I tipped over." she explained.

"Ohhh. Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine." She answered as she dug in to breakfast. "What did you do all morning?" Ellen asked. "I literallt woke up about 30 minutes ago." He admitted with a smile.

"I'm jealous. But we need rhat sleep while we can get it. We may have a little baby in the house soon." Ellen replied with a laugh.

"True. How was filming?" He asked. "It was good. Nice and quick." Ellen replied. "How's Jesse doing? This was his last episode, right?" Patrick questioned.

"It was. He's okay, I think he's happy to leave honestly. He wanted to last season." She replied. "It's tough leaving." Patrick said with a sad smile.

"How are you? I know you two are close so it must be hard." He asked. "Well, you left and I was okay somehow, so I'm okay." Ellen admitted.

"I'm sorry I left." Patrick whispered. "It's okay. You did what you had to do." She replied honestly. "I love you El." He said. "I love you too."

AHey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them! Thanks for reading besties. Sorry this chapter is short.

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