Day 19 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick woke up around 9 and Met everyone at the breakfast hall. "Morning." Camilla said with a smile as Ellen and Patrick sat down at their table.

"Morning." Ellen replied as she poured herself and Patrick a cup of coffee. "Thank you." Patrick said softly as he kissed her cheek. Ellen blushed and sipped her coffee.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Shonda asked with a smile. "Ooooh! We should do a beach day!" Chandra exclaimed happily. "Sounds good to me." Caterina said with a chuckle.

"Okay. Let's eat and meet up at the beach at 10:30." Krista said.

After everyone ate, they went back up to their rooms. "Black or green?" Ellen asked as she held up two bikinis. Patrick smiled. "Black. Green makes you look too hot." He said with a smirk. "Black it is." Ellen decided. Patrick changed into some blue patterned swim trunks and threw a tshirt over.

Once the two were ready, they both walked out of the resort and Met everyone up at the beach. "Who's going in the water?" Caterina asked happily. "I will! Let's go Ellen." Camilla replied as she all but dragged Ellen onto her feet. Ellen stripped her clothes, revealing her very toned abdomen and Patrick smirked.

The 3 girls ran into the water and squealed at the temperature. Patrick, Kevin, Eric, Giacomo, and TR all followed the girls in the water with a foam football. Eventually, everyone was in the water, all chatting and throwing the football.

Patrick snuck up behind Ellen at one point and wrapped his arms around her, getting a scream from her. "Patrick, you scared me!" Ellen exclaimed. "How'd you know it was me?" He asked with a smile as he swam in front of her. "You're the only one who would hug me from behind." She said as she pressed her lips against his.

"You look hot." He whispered huskily into her ear. "You do too." She replied with a giggle. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him deeply. "Uh guys?" Eric interrupted with a smirk. They let go of each other and blushed at the rest of their cast mates staring at them.

"Sorry." Ellen mumbled, burying her head into Patrick shoulder.

They swam for a little longer and then got out to dry off. "Let's tan." Camilla suggested. The woman all laid out on towels in the sun and sighed in relief while the boys kept playing football.

Ellen was too busy to listen to the girls chatter, instead watching Patrick's bare chest and how he threw the football, his back muscles rippling. "Ellen? Too busy looking at your man candy?" Chandra asked with a smug smirk. Ellen blushed, but nodded. "He's so cute." She admitted. THe girls chuckled and continued gossiping.

At around 4, the cast decided to leave the beach and go back to the hotel. "I made a reservation for us at a fancy Italian restaurant across the street at 6." Shonda said. Ellen and Patrick took a shower together, 'saving water' as Patrick called it. Ellen changed into a fancy pants suit and Patrick dressed in a suit. "You look gorgeous." He said softly as he hugged her tightly. "Thank you. You look handsome." She replied as she pulled back a little and kissed him softly.

They made their way to the restaurant and all met up outside. Everyone dressed their best, and the paparazzi was all over them. Ellen never liked the paparazzi, they often made her get nervous and anxious. Patrick grabbed Ellen hand and squeezed, knowing her fear. "Ellen, you look gorgeous!" One of the cameramen yelled.

They got inside and were seated as far away from the door as possible. "Sorry about the paparazzi. We'll get them out." A waiter promised. Patrick and Ellen sat next to each other and everyone else surrounded them.

They all ordered their drinks, which were all mostly margaritas and beers. "Cheers!" Eric said as he held up his beer. Everyone put their drinks up and cheered before taking a sip.

As the night went on, they all ordered their meals and chatted. "I just wanted to say to everyone that I'm very grateful for all of you and our 17 seasons. And as a surprise, I want you all to be the first to know that we have been renewed for 2 more seasons." Shonda announced proudly.

The cast erupted into applause and congratulations. "19 seasons el. Can you believe it?" Patrick asked with a proud smile at his girl. "We've come so far." Ellen said happily. "You've come so far. 19 seasons Ellie! That's amazing!" Patrick exclaimed. Ellen smiled. "Thank you Patty." She said as she kissed him softly.

After they finished dinner, it was now around 9:30 and they went back to their hotel rooms. Patrick and Ellen had a few drinks at the restaurant and then back at the hotel, and Ellen was a little tipsy. Patrick seemed okay, as he was able to handle his alcohol.

Patrick helped Ellen change and get ready for bed. He tucked her in and changed before climbing in beside her. "I love you el." He whispered as he kissed her neck. "I love you too." She slurred as she turned in his hold. She rested her head in the crook of his shoulder and quickly fell asleep. Patrick held her close and fell asleep as well.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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