Day 62 out of quarantine

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Ellen and Patrick were just sitting on the porch when she got a phone call. "Jesse?" Ellen asked with a confused eyebrow.

"Ellen. I know we were joking a few days ago about you and Patrick watching the kids, but can you watch Mateo for a few hours? Sadie has a recital and our babysitter bailed." Jesse asked hopefully.

"Oh, sure. What time?" Ellen asked. "In like 30 minutes? Sorry it's so late minute, but I can drop him off on the way." Jesse replied.

"It's no problem. You know where the house is." She said. "Thank you El. I see you soon."

"What was that?" Patrick asked as she put the phone down. "We're watching jesses son for a few hours. Let's get ready." Ellen replied as she patted his leg and stood up. "Good practice." Patrick smiled.

The two of them got changed and went back downstairs right as Jesse rang the doorbell. Patrick opened the door and smiled. "Hey. Come on in." He said.

"Hi Mateo." Ellen cooed to the 2 year old. Jesse handed the baby to her and put the diaper bag down. "Thank you for doing this so last minute, I really appreciate it. Uh, everything's in the bag. Diapers, bottles, formula. If you need anything call me. I gotta run." Jesse said, kissing his son on the forehead. "Your gonna stay with Aunite El and a uncle Patrick, okay? Thanks guys." Jesse said before leaving.

"He was in a rush, huh?" Ellen said with a smile, holding the baby close to her chest. "You look good." Patrick smirked. How could she look so hot with a baby?

"Stop it." Ellen scolded. He smiled and walked over to her. "What's up little man?" He asked quietly as the baby grabbed his finger and giggled.

Ellen knew Patrick would be the perfect dad. He was a natural. Her on the other hand, wasn't so sure about her abilities as a mother.

"What do you want to do, buddy? Wsnt to go for a walk? It's nice out." Ellen asked rhetorically, looking at Patrick. "Sure. I'll go grab our shoes." He said.

Ellen shifted Mateo into one arm and shuffled around in the diaper bag, grabbing the strap on for Mateo to stay in while they walked.

She put Mateo on the couch for a minute while she put the carrier on. After Mateo was safely secured against her chest, Patrick came back with their shoes. They both put them on and left the house.

It was a really nice day out in Malibu. 80 degrees, sunny, with a nice breeze. Patrick grabbed Ellen's hand as they walked along the beach together. Paparazzi was in full swing, but they didn't mind.

"You are going to be an excellent mother." He said as he kissed her cheek. "You are going to be an even better father. I hope everything works out." Ellen replied. "It will. Just waiting on the marriage part now." He said, a smile gracing his face.


A little while later, the 3 arrived back at the house and put the baby down for a nap. "He's a good baby." She whispered as the two sat down on the couch.

"He is. Jesses a good dad." Patrick agreed. "Did you meet my dad?" Ellen asked out of the blue. Patrick thought for a moment. "I don't think so. I've heard of him, but I don't think I ever met him" he concluded.

"Oh. He was a good dad." Ellen said, remincisng. "I bet  he was. It must have been hard raising 6 kids on his own." Patrick said. "Yeah." She replied. "They would be so proud of you if they were here." He whispered into her ear.

"You think so?" She asked vulnerably. "Oh, hell yeah. El, your one of the best actresses in Hollywood and one of Hollywood's most paid actresses. You aren't afraid to speak your mind. They would be so proud." He said.

"I hope so." Ellen said with a small smile.

They watched tv and chatted for about an hour before Mateo woke up again. Ellen went into their guest bedroom where he was sleeping and took him out of the crib.

"Did you have a good nap little guy?" She whispered. Mateo smiled sleepily and rested his head on her chest. "That's good. Let's go see Uncle Pat." Ellen said.

Patrick got the baby's food ready and set up the high chair. "Want to feed him or you?" He asked. "You can." Ellen offered. Patrick sat next to the baby and got a spoonful of applesauce. "Mmm yummy." Patrick said with a smile, encouraging the baby to eat.

Ellen giggled and took out her phone. "Smile." She said. Patrick smiled with the baby and laughed when Mateo put the spoon in his face. "That's yours. Not mine." He cooed.

Once Mateo was fed, they spent the rest of their time on the porch, relaxing and reading books to the baby. Jesse came and thanked them once again for watchimg and left with Mateo.

"Kids are exhausting." Patrick said as he collapsed onto the couch. "Well, we're gonna have our own soon, so get ready." Ellen chuckled as she sat in his lap on the porch.

"Oh, I know." Patrick laughed. "I'm so excited. I love babies." Ellen smiled. "Me too. We may never sleep again, but it'll be worth it in the end." He replied. "I wonder if it'll be a boy or girl." Ellen wondered.

"We'll find out soon enough." Said Patrick as she wrapped his arms around her. "We're going to be parents."

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. Also, I need some help. I have about 2 months until the wedding, so do I have a big time jump, or keep writing. If I keep writing, I need ideas. Thanks for reading. Also, I have honestly gave no idea how old Jesses son is, I'm just guessing lol.

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