Day 5 of quarantine

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I know I keep adding people into the story in random Chapters but I remember them as I write the story 😂

Patrick woke up and walked downstairs. He smiled when he saw Ellen sitting on a chair by the kitchen counter nursing a cup of coffee. He walked over to her and kissed her head gently. "Morning:" he said softly with a smile. "Good morning." She replied with a bigger smile. He sat down next to her and checked his phone.

"What should we do today?" Ellen asked. "One of my followed say we should do an Instagram live." Shonda said. "Ohhh those are fun! I've done a few with Kelly and Jesse." Ellen said. "Okay. So how about we get ready and we can all do it?" Patrick suggested. "Sounds good. But I'm finishing my coffee first." Ellen said with a laugh. Everyone laughed and smiled as they made small talk over breakfast.

Once everyone finished, they changed into some day clothes and came down. Patrick was wearing jeans and a sweater, and Ellen was wearing practically the same thing. Same color and everything. "Look who's twinning. Did you guys plan that?" Jesse asked with a laugh. Patrick and Ellen looked at each other with amused faces and giggled. "No." Ellen chuckled.

"Okay. What account should we did this thing on?" Krista asked. "Who's the most popular?" Kim asked. "Probably Ellen." Camilla said with a laugh. "How many followers do you have?" Camilla asked. Ellen took out her phone and opened Instagram. "Uhh... 8.9 million." Ellen said. "Yeah, that's definelty the most. You do it." Patrick said with a chuckle. Ellen nodded and got it set up. "Everyone ready?" She asked as everyone got into position so that they were seen in the video. "I just posted something about it on Twitter so people join." Kelly said. Ellen nodded and pressed 'start.' "Okay. We're on...I think." Ellen said with a laugh.

In a minute over 200,000 people joined. "Hi guys!" Ellen said as she waved to the camera.

After they waited a few minutes for people to join, they were at about 2 million viewers. "Okay guys, so as you know all of us are quarantined for two weeks. We're pretty bored, and we wanted to talk to you guys." Patrick said. "So if you have any questions, comments, games, anything, let us know." He added with a smile.

Ellen and Patrick were sitting upfront, and then everyone else was gathered in the back. "Can Ellen do a cartwheel? Greysfan4life asked." Ellen read a comment. "Uh, I don't know. We can see." Ellen said with a giggle. Patrick took the camera as Ellen stood up and got to open floor. She took a deep breath before attempting a cartwheel, only to do it flawlessly. "I guess I can do it!" Ellen giggled. Patrick smiled at her and set the camera back up.

"Next question is for...Chandra. 'What has it been like working on Greys for the past 17 years?'" Patrick asked. "It's great. I love the environment, the people. I love all of it." Chandra replied with a smile.

"Next is for me. 'Why did you leave greys?'" He read. Patrick Inhaled sharply and winced at the question. "Uh, my marriage wasn't going too well. I knew it was important to try to fix that. That didn't go too well but, uh yeah." Patrick said.

"How is filming in covid different than filming regularly?" Jesse asked. "Well, for one we have to wear those big suits and masks, which obviously is a big difference. Uh, table reads are very different, we have to sit 6 feet away from each other so everyone's kinda scattered across the room." Jesse said with a laugh. "It's been different, but it's fun." He said with a smile.

"Ellen, what's it like working with Patrick after all these years?" Camilla read from the phone with a smirk. Ellen blushed and smiled. "It's great. We worked together for what? 11, 12 years, so obviously we had a close bond. It's really nice to have that relationship again and to act with him." Ellen said with a giggle. "And Patrick? What's it like working with Ellen after all these years?" Camilla asked as she read a question again. "It's great. It's really refreshing. Ellen is a terrific actress to work with, and she's an even better friend. Uh, we hadn't talked in years prior after I left the show, and to be able to reconnect and talk again was really nice." Patrick said with a blush. "Okay, three part question apparently. Shonda, what was it like for you seeing Patrick come back and reconnect with Ellen and everyone?" Camilla asked. "Well, Chandra, Ellen, Patrick, James and I have all been there since the pilot, and seeing them all reconnect has been really heartwarming, especially for Ellen and Patrick. Those two had a relationship that I knew in the show I'd never be able to duplicate. Their connection was just so raw, so emotional. I know people are mad me for killing Derek, but it was the only thing I could do to keep 'MerDer' living on forever." Shonda said.

"But seeing everyone connect together and reunite, actually it brought tears to my eyes. It's great." Shonda added.

"Okay, we can do a few more questions before I'm eating lunch and we're going in the pool." Jesse said with a laugh. "Okay. Uh, dempeoforever has a question." Giacomo said with a smirk. Ellen and Patrick blushed at the username. "I dare Patrick and Ellen to kiss." He read. They blushed and looked at each other. "Do it, do it, do it." Their cast mates changed in the background. Ellen and Patrick shrugged and leant in to each other. Patrick cupped Ellen's face gently and brought his lips to hers. Their lips connected and fire ignited.

They pulled away after a moment and blushed harder. The comments were going absolute nuts. "OMG DEMPEO IS REAL." One comment read. "PATRICK AND ELLEN ARE ENDGAME." Another read. "Okay guys. With that we're going to end the live." Ellen said with a big smile. "Bye!" They waved to the camera as Ellen bit the end button.

"Dempeo." Jesse said as everyone erupted into laughter.

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