21. Family

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Aadya's POV

I don't know what made this monster think that I am a cheat. When he knew that Rohit proposed me he should also know that I didn't accept the proposal.

When he can know that I came to his home that day then he should also know the motive behind that.

I tried many ways to convey my motives. But no.. this monster don't even have the patience to listen. He used to simply plug his headphones or leave the room whenever I tried to explain him. And soon I realised that there is no point in trying to explain him as he was so adamant to not listen to me.

These four months were nothing less than a hell for me. He used those cuss words again and again. I used to sob a lot in the beginning listening those words but later I stopped bothering. Ignoring was the best way I found.

Though my relation with him was bitter but the relation with his family became sweet. Our bonds strengthened in these four months.

Niranjan mavayya (father-in-law) was a little strict but very understanding.

Annapurna attayya (mother-in-law) (Omkar's aunt) was like my second mom. I feel very grateful to have her.

Shekhar mavayya (father-in-law) (Omkar's uncle) was very humerous. He can make any one laugh with his humour.

They are obviously the romantic couple of our family. When Shekhar mavayya have such an understanding wife and when Annapurna attayya have such a husband who don't take things to heart.. it's obvious that they are a romantic couple.

And Khushi (Omkar's cousin) always finds ways to tease me and monster.

But Dhruv (Khushi's elder brother).....he never even looks at me. If I try to talk with him he just replies in one word or two. Though he is an year younger to me he calls me by my name. He himself never tried to talk with me.

These two brothers don't even consider me as a family member.
I know it's a short chapter. Apologies as I am busy.

I hope you understood who is related to whom in what way so that I don't need to mention their relation in the brackets in the coming chapters.

Will update the next chapter as soon as possible.


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