79 - Chance

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Aadya's POV

I laid on the bed and looked at the pillow wall I made. Pulling the duvet to my chest I shut my eyes close and took a deep breath. Sleep was no where in sight. Tossing to the other side I looked at the window.

It was a full moon day and the moon was shining brighter as if it had achieved something. I pushed the duvet and reached the window. The slow breeze blew the curtain to my face. I pushed the curtain away and tucked the hair strands to my ear lobe. The stars were twinkling but my whole concentration was on the moon.

How can someone be so bright, charming, peaceful at the same time while being alone?

I don't know until when I kept staring at the moon like that.

Monster coughed all of a sudden grabbing my attention. I turned back and looked at him. The moonlight was the only source of light in the room. I couldn't figure out what he was doing.

Glass fell from the nightstand and I instantly switched on the light and reached him walking carefully in between the broken glass pieces which were scattered on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked standing near him.

"Water" he replied coughing.

"You could have called me" I said to which he didn't utter anything but kept coughing.

I took the glass from the nightstand, filled it with water and neared the glass to his mouth. My hand automatically went to his chest and rubbed it.

"Enough" he said and I withdrew the glass.

"It it alright now?" I asked and he nodded.

My other hand was still on his chest and he looked at my hand and then looked at me.

I withdrew my hand in a jerk and there was awkward silence.

"I will clean these" I said pointing the glass pieces.

He laid on the bed and I the cleaned the glasses and then switched off the light.

Looked like he was slowly drifting into sleep. I neared the window and looked at the moon.

I don't know what he expects from our relationship. He never expressed but I always felt that he want this relationship to survive..then why don't he make efforts to save this relationship? Why does he always strangle this relationship? Why does his actions always stand contradictory to his feelings? Does he actually want this relationship to survive or am I just feeling like that? He always kept me in confusion.

Letting a deep sigh I closed the window and laid on the bed. I looked at my phone. It showed 2:19 am. I pulled the duvet to my chest and shut my eyes tight trying to sleep. But the thoughts kept wandering in my brain.

I shut my eyes even more tighter to sleep but in vain. Am I missing his embrace? I don't know.

He is physically near to me but our hearts are very very far. So far that one would lose the way in search of other. One would lose itself.

I don't know when I dozzed off to sleep thinking all these.

A few days later...

Monster's arm was getting better. We went to hospital to get his cast removed.

I was driving and he was next to me.

"Aadya" he said and I replied "hmm" concentrating on the road.

"I want a chance in our relationship" he said and I halted the car in a jerk.

"What did you say?" I asked and he lowered his gaze.

"It's just that I want a chance in our relationship. I want to improve our relationship" he said and looked into my eyes.

"Relationship?. I don't think we ever shared a relationship sir" I said and he again lowered his gaze.

"I know I never gave the nourishment our relationship deserved. But it doesn't mean that our relationship never existed. You are my wife" he said.

"With what right you are calling me your wife?" I asked.

"I know it is difficult for you to forgive all those things. I know it's difficult for you to forget the way I treated you. I am not forcing you to forgive me.. I just want you to give me a chance in our relationship" he said and there was silence in the air.

A lone tear escaped my eye and I stepped out of the car. Tears uncontrollably flowed down my cheeks. He stepped out of the car and I wiped the tears.

"Please give me a chance" he said.

"And why do you think you deserve a chance?" I questioned controlling my tears.

"I know I never deserved anything. But trust me...I want to make everything deserving" he said.

"And what if I say no?" I said with rage.

"Then I will be waiting for your forgiveness. I will wait for my entire life for your approval. I will be AWAITING for the chance for the rest of life. I am ready to wait for you no matter how much time it takes" he said.

"Best of luck" I said and stepped into the car.

He stepped in after a while and I started driving. The rest of the drive was filled with silence.

We reached home and everyone gathered at the dining table for dinner.

I sat next to Khushi and served myself some rice and curry.

"What happened today Aadii?. won't you serve and feed your husband today?" asked Annapurna attayya (mother-in-law).

"I think now he is capable of doing things on his own attayya (mother-in-law)" I replied with a smile and looked at monster.

He was making irregular patterns in his plate.

"What happened Om? Have the food" said Shekhar mavayya (Father-in-law).

He nodded and tried to put a morsel in his mouth.

"Ahhh" he yelped and the morsel fell back on the plate.

"What happened?" I stood up and reached him.

"Nothing much. It's just paining" he said and I sat next to him.

"He didn't have food from the past one and half month on his own right. His muscles must have felt week" said Niranjan mavayya (father-in-law).

"Aadii. Feed him by your own hands" said attayya (mother-in-law).

I looked at her and then at monster.

Having no other choice I nodded my head and neared a morsel to his mouth.

He looked at me but didn't open his mouth.

"Have it" I said and he opened his mouth and I put the morsel in mouth and withdrew my hand.


Hello friends...

So here is the chapter. How is it?

Will update with the next chapter soon.

Thank you 😊

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