61. Beach

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Author's POV

"If not you then who might have sent those?" Aadya asked puzzled.

Nirmala shook her head and said "whoever it is... atleast they made you eat something" and smiled.

Aadya gave her a stern look and stepped into her room as she badly needed rest.


Omkar's POV

As usual I got up from the bed and descended the stairs after taking a hot shower.

Everyone were at the dining table with their share of food infront of them but no one seemed to be interested in it. They were engrossed in their respective thoughts. There were no more smiles, no more talks. This house turned into an empty one with people living in.

I walked to the dining table and pulled a chair for me. Nanna (dad) gave me a death glare. I ignored and seated in the chair and pulled it close to the table.

Turning the plate infront of me I served myself three dosas and some chutney.

Pinni (aunt) cleared her throat when I
took a small piece of dosa and dipped it in the chutney. I know she did it on purpose to gain my attention.

I looked at her with the piece still in my hand. She looked at everyone and then looked at me.

"Omkar" she said but couldn't continue.

"Haa pinni (aunt) tell me.. what's the matter?" I said putting the piece in my mouth.

"It's been a month" she said.

"A month?? What are you talking about pinni?" I asked though I know what she was talking about.

"I'm talking about Aadya. It's been a month since she left the house" she said.

"So?" I asked taking another piece of dosa.

She kept mum.

"Don't you think you need to feel guilty for what you've done Mr.Omkar?" nanna (dad) gritted his teeth.

I kept mum as I didn't want to back answer him.

"I regret it..I regret taking your marriage proposal (for Aadya) to Srinivas that day. I wish it never happened. I wish you never married Aadya. You don't deserve her. She took care of you even when you hurt her but you..what have you done??" he said and continued "I am unable to show my face to Srinivas now. Your foolishness put our friendship in stake. You're a disgrace. I wish you were never born. You mom must be weeping seeing you from the heaven" he blurted out.

Though I didn't show any expressions
it hurt me. How could he say like that? He very well knew that using my mom's name makes me weak. I didn't feel like having breakfast anymore. I pushed away the plate in rage and it fell on the floor and broke into pieces..I stood up and marched out of the house.

I drove to my office and seated in the chair in my cabin. Aadya didn't reach yet.

I was scrolling my phone when Aadya opened the door of my cabin and entered in. We had an eye lock. She broke the eye contact and walked to the couch and seated. I opened my laptop and started working. I looked at her while drinking water. She was studying a file.

Her face looked pale and dull..her eyes were swollen and nose was red. She turned skinny in that one month which didn't go out of my notice. I've never seen her genuine smile in that one month. She never looked at me the same way she used to look at me. It's been a month since she started addressing me 'Sir'. My ears were longing to hear my name from her sweet voice.

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