𝑇𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑜 - 𝑌𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝐽𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛

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imagine: every time you fall in love with someone, a tattoo appears somewhere on your body - jeongin only ever had one, which he got when he fell in love with you, but you found another tattoo.

y/n's pov

with your phone in your hand, you glanced out of your bedroom window as you sighed.

you'd hardly seen jeongin recently, he'd been...busy. which was odd, he was hardly ever busy and, even if he was, he still made time for you. recently, he'd been acting off, he hadn't seen you in two weeks and you just waited for him. you were patient enough, so surely it was okay to start getting frustrated now? it was getting too much, you were worried.

you dialled his number, holding the phone up to your ear to listen out for his voice.

"y/n, i can't talk right now-"

"stop doing this," you tutted, "meet me, now."


"i mean it. i don't care if you're busy, make time."

you could hear him briefly sighing, grunting at how persistent you were. "meet me at our usual place, i'll be ten minutes." he hung up quickly, to which you responded with a scoff.

you understood he had his own life, and he had things to do other than spend time with you constantly - but for two weeks? two weeks without seeing you, or calling you, or even texting you? he was avoiding you, it was obvious. if he was that busy, why didn't he just send a simple text saying that he wouldn't be able to talk? why did he have to worry you constantly? why did he have to make it so difficult for your relationship?


you sat at a bench, glancing at the people walking by in the dark - it was already getting late so you hoped jeongin would hurry.

"jeongin-" you stood to your feet, but he interrupted you abruptly.

"what is it? talk quickly, i have to be somewhere."

no greeting? no hug? no 'i missed you'? nothing? you started to lose hope quickly...

"are you going to tell me what's going on?"

he frowned as if he didn't understand what you were saying - was he that oblivious?

"why are you avoiding me? you're not answering my calls, or texts. i'm surprised you answered my call tonight."

"trust me, i didn't purposely answer," he scoffed, standing a long distance from where you were sat at the bench.

"seriously, jeongin," your shoulders dropped, your hands clenched by your side. "did i do something wrong?"

he lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck, his face blank as he turned his eyes away from you.

your eyes fixated on his uncovered wrist, his sleeve seemed to rise up when he rubbed his neck. "what's that? is that a tattoo?"

he glanced down at it, pulling his sleeve down hesitantly before narrowing his eyes at you, "stop questioning me."

"jeongin-" you stepped forwards, your jaw clenched as you reached out for his arm.

he slapped your hand away, keeping his sleeve over his wrist.

"that was a tattoo."

"so?" he raised a brow.

"it wasn't the tattoo you had when we met-"

"why're you so bothered?"


"don't you remember what happened last year?" he dropped his head, staring down at his feet - he clearly felt uncomfortable, he couldn't meet your eyes. "are you forgetting about what happened with hyunji-"

"stop," you stared angrily, your fists tightened even more.

would he really bring it back up?

"do you still have his tattoo?" he nodded to your shoulder, "show me the tattoo you had when you fell in love with him, i'm sure you still want him, right?"


"we were dating! don't forget that."

"we only recently started our relationship! hyunjin and i were friends-"

"you fell in love with him before you fell in love with me. his tattoo was on your body before mine ever was!"

"it was a mistake-"

"so was this relationship," he took a step back, shaking his head, "i don't want you anymore."


"stop calling me. stop texting me. don't follow me, either."

"how could you say that? i know you don't mean it-"

he pulled down the shirt collar around his neck. your tattoo was always on his neck since the first day you met. but... it wasn't there.

"you see?!" he growled, "your tattoo's gone! you know what that means?"

your tattoo had disappeared, and a new tattoo now marked his body.

he didn't have to say it for you to understand.

"i really don't want you," he was frustrated and threw his head back, kicking his feet across the ground, "i don't love you, y/n."


um i want to make this into a book...

𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙠𝙞𝙙𝙨 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙨Where stories live. Discover now