𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑎𝑤𝑎𝑦 - 𝐾𝑖𝑚 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑚𝑖𝑛

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a/n: i'm aware that my updates are very slow, so i'll spoil you with a book i'm currently writing since you're so patient.

imagine: seungmin draws you out into the real world, unaware that everything he draws comes true

y/n's pov

you became cautious of seungmin; not because you thought he was dangerous, that was the last thing you'd see in him, but because you were afraid of the boundaries he'd set for you. he became protective over the one person he fell in love with. you, too, were protective and wary of him, he left home and you were afraid it would be the last time you'd see him. you held your hand against his cheek with a tear in our eye, just one, and you said goodbye softly.

he never thought about the things he'd said to you, he didn't come to realise that some of the things he'd said had consequences. his curiosity and his creativity brought you to life, but that's what you were afraid of - if he'd brought you into this world, there's a chance he could pull you out just like that.

"do you know how hard it was for me?!" his hands tightened into fists, and he threw them away with such anger. his only way of expressing his anger was through yelling, or hitting things, which he'd always regret after.

"i know you waited-"

"i didn't wait for you," he scoffed, brushing the back of his hand over his nose in temptation to turn this around on you, "you think i'm that patient? i don't wait. never."

"i'm sorry."

those were the only two words you could let fall from your lips, else you felt afraid he'd snap back more frustrated than he ever was.

"you keep pushing your boundaries, and you have no idea how dangerous it is. you go out meeting these guys you don't know, you answer calls from unknown numbers, you share your location when they ask for it! i understand that you're new to this, but there are things you need to keep private. you have to promise me you'll stop doing such reckless things."


"i don't know if i want you anymore."

hearing those words form from his lips was heart-breaking. he gave you the chance to fall in love, he gave you a home when you were unaware of what it really was. the time you'd spent with him, he'd given you everything, you were in awe of his bravery and his desperation to keep you safe. you really felt at home.

behind that screen he'd been drawing on, you knew nothing other than what he'd drawn. you were forced to love someone you didn't truly want, and you were forced into happiness you didn't really believe in.

"i made you fall in love with me-"

"i did that on my own terms. in this world, i make my own rules, you don't control it. everything i did, i did it for you."

seungmin was thrown back by the words of truth that slipped from the lips he was so desperate to kiss. he purposely wrote how he wanted the two main characters to fall in love, it gave him the chance to experience what love really felt like. he wasn't aware that you took over his drawings to express your own emotions, you finally knew what it was like to fall in love with someone, but it wasn't what you expected.

"falling in love has a happy ending, right?" you grasped at the sleeve covering your tender hand, sinking your teeth into your lower lip. you were so afraid that this was how love felt, being hurt time and time again, feeling as though you're needing to fight for your place in his life. he should want you just as much as you wanted him.

he glanced towards your hand, his eyes staring blankly at the sudden disappearance of your hand. you'd started to fade away. and you were no longer scared of leaving.

"you're-" he stumbled over his words and reached out his hand before you slipped back away from him, "why're you..."

what hurt the most was seeing how scared he was, although he'd said he was unsure of how much he wanted you, he couldn't bare to watch you leave his side forever.

"please, don't go..."

he remembered. everything he drew became real; the emotions, the characters, the personalities they held. and everything he said became his drawing, it impacted both virtual and real life. he wanted to take everything back, he just had to watch your life fall apart before his eyes.

he rushed to his tablet, picking up his pen to erase the words he'd said to her. they'd already been drawn, the speech was already written, and he couldn't change it. seungmin had turned back in hopes he could see her one last time, but his home was empty. he'd stood aimlessly in his drawing room, consistently trying to draw you back. but he watched as the pages started to disappear. he was left with just one page of his webtoon; when they first met.

𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙮 𝙠𝙞𝙙𝙨 𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙨Where stories live. Discover now