Welcome 😌😘💅🏽

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Hi, guys!

Who missed me?

I know. It's been a while 😪🤗 and I've really missed you guys, all of my amazing readers.

So let's get to the point, shall we?

And what might that be?

Yeah, you guessed right... Operation Falling is back!! 💃🏽💃🏽

Don't worry, the first time readers  have nothing to fear because I'm going to start updating this book all over again.

I know those of you that have read Operation Falling before are probably thinking, 'Ugh! She's just going to publish the things we've read before 🙄'

But that's so wrong.

Yeah, I'm going to publish Operation Falling right from the beginning and the main plot is going to be the same, I mean there's just no way it is going to change entirely because part of what I've written previously are really crucial to the story and they cannot be changed.

'Then why should we even bother reading it? 😒' 

Oh, because there's a very major difference.

'And what is that?🤔'

*smiles slyly* Well, I should make you find out by yourselves as you progress in the book but since it's no secret, I might as well just announce it.

The major difference is you get to read from Michael's (the male lead) POV too, 😁😁 and not just the male lead, the other characters as well.

The version of Operation Falling I had taken down was centered around Cynthia (the female lead), her thoughts, feelings and how she sees things throughout most of the book. But the new Operation Falling is going to contain details of the other characters too, their thoughts and daily lives. You will get to know about their pasts and what they are all really going through not just from Cynthia's view.

Some things have been added and removed from the previous plot so drop the mindset that you already know what's gonna happen and pretend that you are just reading the book from the start.

To the fresh readers, I can't promise you that the story is going to be perfect but I can assure you that it's going to be worthwhile 😘😘.

Before we begin, here are a few things I feel you should know;

1.  The story is set in Nigeria and the characters are Nigerians. Some Nigerian English / Slang will be used occasionally but I'll try my best to interpret it for non-Nigerians that might take interest in the book.

2.  You're going to be annoyed / frustrated with the characters at some point in the book, especially the male and female lead but then what's a Wattpad book without the frustrating leads 😂😂. It all adds to the plot though and everything that happens in the book is absolutely for a reason.

3.  My English is not perfect so I'm bound to make mistakes. I'll try to edit the book as much as I can to make the mistakes minimal and you can also help by pointing out some of the mistakes.

4.  If you have issues with the characters, PLEASE take it out on the characters. I'm not my characters, I only write them so please mind how you drop comments in the name of criticism and don't also judge me based on my characters.

5.  To those that have read the previous draft of Operation Falling, PLEASE do not drop spoilers for those that are reading for the first time. Were you shocked when you found out about some certain things in the book? Let the other readers feel that way too by not ruining it for them. If I find any comments that I might consider to be a spoiler, I'll have to ask you to delete them.

6.  This book is fictional. Anything that corresponds with a real person or event is purely coincidental.

7.  PLEASE do not plagiarize this book. I don't have anything but I have God. Let me just leave it at that.

With all these out of the way... you can now proceed to read the book 😊😊.

Oh, one more thing;

Operation Falling is actually the first book in the Operation Series.

Yup, you read correctly.

The Operation Series:

Operation Falling - Book 1
Operation Payback - Book 2
Operation Startover - Book 3

So in case you don't know just yet, you are in for a very long and emotional ride 😁😁.

And I'm so excited.

Now, you can really proceed to read.


One last thing 🙂

I just want you guys to know that I really love you ❤❤❤.

You all are amazing and lovely and awesome and beautiful and all other wonderful adjectives😘😍.

To those of you that dropped messages asking of when I'm going to start updating again, I very much appreciate you and I hope I don't disappoint with what I'm about to deliver.

I also want to specially thank Rihanna_Adedeji for her help. It might seem irrelevant and she might have even forgotten but I remember when I had asked her for hints while I was writing and how she had not hesitated to help me. 

I'm so thankful 😊🤗.

You can proceed to read now...

For real this time 😂😂.

Operation Falling | Operation Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now