Chapter 22

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This chapter is a bit short. Sorry in advance 😪🤲🏾 but the next chapter will make up for it 🙂.

Chapter Twenty-two


I'm reminded that my parents will be back tomorrow as soon as I enter the car back to our home. And while Sam is super excited and can't wait for tomorrow to come, I'm pretty much anxious and dread its arrival.

For the rest of the day, everything I do is mechanical. My mind isn't in anything I'm doing so much so that I almost trip on the stairs when coming down for dinner and Nanny worriedly asked me to retire to bed early.

I lay down on my bed and for the first time since today, decide to look at my phone. I see messages from Grace asking if I'm alright after she also went all protective mode on me when school closed, asking why I went out of cafeteria like that during lunch.

There are also messages from John asking me questions of how I'm feeling and if I had eaten. He asks if I was really going to their secret room and I can't help smiling.

No wonder he looks like he has something to say throughout the time he sat with me today in class. This must be what he was wondering. He doesn't know that my parents are coming back tomorrow and he probably thinks I will be going with them.

I quickly reply him saying he shouldn't worry because I won't be going since something came up. Immediately, his reply came asking me what came up and I reply that my parents are coming back.

His response is just a simple, 'oh', as if he doesn't know what else to say. He is also aware of my relationship with them and knows my feelings might be all jumbled up. And then I look at the screen, expecting my phone to vibrate.

Not from John's message but from a call from them.

They've never called me on my phone or even sent me a single message since they have left. Can't they just make an exception today and tell me how happy they are that they will be coming back to us tomorrow?

My phone vibrates and my heart leaps but I'm quickly disappointed when I see that it is just a response from John.

'Everything is going to be alright.' He replies and I groan, rolling my eyes at the sentence. That's what everyone has been saying.

I don't text him back and just lay on my bed, waiting hopefully for a call from my mum or dad.

But I fell asleep while waiting.


I wake up the next morning with a start. I just had the weirdest dream of my life.

Well, since the ones I had when I was still hopelessly crushing in Michael back when we were in JSS2. 

And that's exactly the problem. 

The dream I just had was the type the Cynthia who had a crush on Michael in JSS2 would have not the one in SS3 who likes John instead. I mean I like John but I hardly dream about him so I'm really confused.

Why would I dream that I had almost kissed Michael? And why was the dream so detailed? Why did it look so real? 

Michael and I were sitting in the back seat of a car and I was confessing that I had a crush on him. I had even told him that he always looked sad and I wanted to help him fight his demons or whatever it is he was scared of.

Where had all that even come from? Why would I tell him all of those? I mean, I'm talking about the same cocky, egoistic Michael that acts like he controls the school who I definitely no longer have feelings for so what's the dream supposed to mean?

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