Chapter 27

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I'm back again and I tender my utmost apology for going on an unexplained hiatus even if it's for a short while. I hope you guys find it in your hearts to forgive me 🥺😪. Ejo, e darijimi o, ikunle ni mo wa o 🙏🏾.

I planned a double update to make up for my delay in posting but I won't be uploading the second chapter until tomorrow. I'm still contemplating about something so that's why it has to be tomorrow. Don't worry, I won't fail to update this time, it's a promise.

Since school is on a break now hopefully, I will start updating according to the normal schedule after posting the second update tomorrow. Hopefully 😁😘.

On the other hand, how have you guys been? I'm not really the type to post on my message board and that's why you haven't been seeing messages asking after you 'cause I missed you all. I really did 😔.

My note is getting too long so I'm going to stop here and leave you to enjoy the chapter.

Happy reading!!!


Chapter Twenty Seven


As soon as Cynthia leaves the rest of us to change her clothes, I feel the strange urge to follow her. It just feels like I should be with her instead of the guys.

The feeling must have been so obvious on my face because I receive a knowing look from Wole to which I raise an eyebrow defensively in question and he just shrugs. I also notice the intense look I'm getting from Peter, a look that is quite unsettling.

Come to think of it, he has been strangely quiet today, like on a whole other level of quiet. Yeah, he stays mostly silent in our conversations but he has not only said nothing since I've seen him today, he has been strangely just going with the flow.

On a normal day, he wouldn't have agreed to just sit at Cynthia's table just because I asked them to. I wonder what's going on in his mind.

Without thinking, I find myself speaking, "What other plans are you concocting in that devious head of yours?"

My voice sounds more bitter than I had intended but the way he had knew immediately that I was referring to him without mentioning his name and the way he had smiled, only made me wish I had spoken with more venom.

"What do you think?" He replies in his unbothered tone.

"I have no idea how a crazy brain like yours work so I wouldn't know. After all, it was that same brain that came up with making everything interesting and made everything complicated instead. I wonder why I agreed sef." I respond with annoyance.

"Oh, anyone can easily figure that out. You agreed because of your ego, making everything easy for me."

I think back to our agreement, wondering what he could mean by making everything easy for him.

Is he playing with me? Or is he just trying to make me annoyed on purpose?

"Do you think I would get annoyed because I supposedly 'made everything easy for you'?" I ask making an air quote while speaking.

He smiles his stupid annoying smile before replying, "I was only telling you the fact not trying to make you angry."

I don't even realise that my legs have carried me towards him until we are standing almost toes to toes.

"You don't even have to try, your face already makes me annoyed." I retort.

"It's an honour." He replies simply.

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