Chapter 46

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This chapter is unedited but it's probably not as bad as I think it is.

Happy reading!!


Chapter Forty Six


John clears his throat loudly and that's when I look at him, realising he is still here and he just witnessed everything.


"So... you agreed to the deal." He begins quietly and I nod in response, unable to say anything.

"Do you want to go on a date with him?" He asks.

"Not really." I reply, lying to him.

I don't know why I'm even lying to him. This could be the perfect time to tell him about my real feelings but instead, I find myself talking to make him feel better.

"And you know their team has to come first or either be in a position above us before we can go on a date so it isn't sure yet." I add, feeling the need to explain.

"Yeah, I know." He replies and sighs heavily. "I guess St. James will surely have to win this year."

"Of course we will be winning." I agree and he smiles faintly but his eyes look so sad.

I should probably comfort him, I'm soon going to break his heart anyway. So I reach out to hold his hand and squeeze it slightly.

I know what I'm doing at the moment is wrong and I can't keep stringing John along when I'm so very much attracted to Michael but what do I do?

How do I tell someone who is smiling this brilliantly at me just because I held his hand that I like someone else without breaking his heart.

Someone who saved me two years ago, someone who is willing to wait till I feel connected to him, someone who wants to court me.

Is that why it's so difficult?

His mouth begins to move, cutting my train of thought, "I'm going to make sure we win so you won't have to go on the date with him. I know if you end up going, it will only be because of the deal and not because you want to."

I feel like he added that last part because he wants me to assure him that it is exactly like that, but I'm unable to utter anything because I know if I do, whatever will come out of my mouth will be a lie again.

"Hey guys." Grace greets cheerfully as she joins us again and hands me my drink. She stares pointedly at my hand that is still holding John's and I quickly remove it but it doesn't go unnoticed as she wiggles her eyebrows.

Wole who is following closely behind her takes his seat beside her again.

"Did you by chance see Michael?" Grace asks as she opens her drink.

"Yeah." I reply, glancing at John who tenses at the mention of his name.

"Does it have anything to do with why he has a smile on his face?" She asks and that makes me chuckle.

"I guess he must be really happy that I agreed to his deal." I reply and she raises an eyebrow, interested.

"What deal?"

"I have to go on a date with him if his team should win or if they are in a position ahead of St. James by the end of the competition and if my team wins or is ahead of them, I get to ask him to do anything for a day." I explain.

"Oh my God!" She squeals.

"A date? Michael asked you on a date?" Wole asks, looking very surprised.

"You are going on a date with him?!" Grace asks excitedly, then as if she just realised John is here, goes mellow.

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