Chapter 25

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Hey, everyone. I'm here again 😁😁. I know it's been long since I've updated but I don't have any excuse other than the fact that I was just not feeling my writing. The story is in my head but putting them down and making them go according to the plot has never been so difficult.

But yesterday, a friend of mine and a reader of my book messaged me, telling me about how she has been checking Wattpad over and over to see if I had updated and it honestly made my day. In fact, she's the reason I'm updating by this time because I promise her that I would and I didn't want to disappoint her.

Y'all should be grateful to her because she's the reason you're getting an update this soon. Of course, I was planning to update but the reason I didn't stop mid writing like I always did was because of her.

Maybe now that I've gotten past the difficult part in this chapter, writing the other ones would be easier.

Pardon my long talk and start reading. Hope you enjoy it!! 🥰😘.

Chapter Twenty Five


As soon as I get home from school, I'm greeted by Maggie who immediately comes to meet me in the sitting room and urges me to go into my room to freshen up and eat lunch because my tutor will be arriving in a hour's time.

True to her words, on the day that I had told her that I am really interested in being a science student and it's not only because of Cynthia, she had immediately spoken to Henry who had also opposed the idea at first because he knows my father won't like my decision at all, but after much persuasion from both Maggie and me, he had finally agreed to me being a Science student and he had also gotten the responsibility of finding the tutor for me.

Not surprisingly, he found one the following day and the tutor was asked to resume today.

Honestly, I am not in the mood to listen to lectures right now. I am not even in the mood to do anything. I just want to be on my bed, play games on my phone or surf the internet until I fall asleep. I've been feeling strangely lethargic since after my make out session with Dorcas and it's probably part of the reason why I wasn't in the mood when she had come looking for me after school had closed to continue what we had started during lunch break.

In the end she had stormed off angrily because of my lack of interest and I had slowly made my way out of the class. The guys left way before me because I didn't answer them when they had asked us to go together.

So what the hell is wrong with me?

My mind won't stop going to Cynthia and I can't help thinking that if it wasn't for what she had to do at home today, she and her friend would be here already and I definitely won't be feeling this way.

But I also can't stop thinking about the fact that she had also looked a bit nervous about the whole issue she had at home and I will be lying if I say I'm not really curious to know what it is that came up at home to make her all worked up.

Should I just call her?

No. She probably just also got home and isn't even settled yet. I should leave her to deal with it and not try to be too nosy. I will just call her in the evening.

But I realise just then that I've been standing in the same spot for a while now and haven't even made an attempt to get out of my school uniform and freshen up. Breathing out a huge sigh, I drop my school bag on the bed and head towards my bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later, I'm all freshened up and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. Maggie knocks a while later asking what I would like to eat for lunch but I can't think of anything as I am not really hungry. She however insists that I take something before the teacher comes and tells me she will be back soon.

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